Chapter 13

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40 minutes had passed since the survivors of Fujimi Academy had saw the state the city of Tokonosu and the destruction that had happened in the few hours since the school became invaded.
Blood stains on roads and buildings, abandoned and crashed cars dotted the street as some of the crashed vehicles were still on fire, with nobody insight. The sun was setting and before the outbreak, the place was filled with people.
But now, the place was deserted of all life, there was a few other zombies wandering around the street following after any noise they can hear.

The micro bus from Fujimi Academy was driving past the convenience store where the lone employee inside was unaware of the zombie apocalypse happening outside the store. The bus ran over a lone male zombie that was dressed as a fisherman with a straw hat that was approaching the convenience store.

This had caused one of the male students who came onto the bus with Mr. Shido to start ranting as he stood up from his seat. His name is Tanaka Tsunoda, he stands at 6'0 in height, short spiky brown hair with the top half dyed blond, brown eyes, tan skin, an lean muscler build, in the full male uniform with his gakuran blazer open showing a navy blue sweater underneath and instead of regular shoes he has slippers on his feet. "Shit! Like I said, it's only dangerous if we keep going! First of all. Why do we have to go with Komuro and the others! You guys are the ones who decided to go back into the city!" By this point, the survivors from the faculty room along with Takuzo Suganuma and Naomi Hashimoto where beginning to look annoyed and some of them glared at Tsunoda.

"Maybe we should of looked for a safe place inside the school! If you ask me, we where better off where we were!" Tsunoda continued on seeming not to understand the reason why other survivors chose to get on the bus instead of barricading themselves back at the school. "He's right, I kinda agree with Tsunoda!" Exclaimed a male student with ink black hair that reaches his neck, pale tan skin, skinny build with black eyes, he stands at 5'6 in height, he didn't have his gakuran blazer on and just has his white button up shirt untucked from his uniform slacks and part of his dark blue shirt is seen underneath; his name is Maruyama Kourkami. "We should barricade ourselves somewhere -!!" He was cut off as Ms. Marikawa stomped on the breaks which made everyone nearly fall out of their seats.

Ms. Marikawa, took off her seat belt and turned around in her seat to glare at Tsunoda who was the only person standing on the bus, "Okay you all, that's enough! I can't focus on the driving with all this yelling!" She shouted at him, as his eyes lowers from her face and was looking at Ms. Marikawa's massive chest.
"... Yeah, whatever..." Tsunoda mumbled out as he starts to calm down a bit, behind him sat Saeko, who across from her was Ryosei Morita.
Saeko folded her arms under her chest as she looks up at Tsunoda and asked him a serious question, "How about you tell me, what you want to do." It was more of a statement than a question, honestly.

Tsunoda turns to her with a glare on his face, before he points at Takashi's direction. "I just can't stand that guy! I hate him!" He shouted out in anger, Kohta was about to interfere, but Saya put her arm out across him to stop him, much to his disappointment. "Why?" Takashi asked as he stands up from his seat, and turns to look at Tsunoda in the eyes, "What the hell, did I ever do to you? I don't even know you." Was his simple response, Tsunoda had an angry look on his face before he said, "You know!" The next thing everyone saw was that, Tsunoda charged at Takashi, only to receive a powerful hit to the stomach by Rei with the non sharp part of her mop stick.

Tsunoda coughed up some spit before Rei knocked him to the floor of the bus. The survivors had mixed reactions, while most of them with Shido looked terrorfied of the girl. Rei just glares at Tsunoda as Takashi and Hisashi stand behind her with surprised looks on their faces. "Asshole..." Rei mumbled loud enough for those next to her to hear, however clapping is soon heard from in front of the group of three friends.

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