Chapter 35

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


Later that day the nurse stayed true to her word and updated me after Dr. Greenwood had been to see my father. His heart had finally started to stabilize by itself through the night. After running tests, they found that he had massive blood clots in the left anterior descending artery which was what ended up causing the heart attack. The next step was to place stents in those arteries in order to open them up and avoid something like that from happening again. I was incredibly relieved by the news - it was a step in the right direction.

"Thank you so much for letting me know," I said to the nurse on the other line,

I ended the call and let out the breath I was holding. Thank goodness. I sat against the bed and felt the anxiety I was holding onto slowly start to slip away. I just wanted to make sure he was going to be okay and now that they knew what was wrong, they were able to rectify the problem.

Giovanni walked back into our hotel room carrying two brown paper bags, "Honey, I'm home,"

I smiled and went to greet him. He placed the bags down on the table and left a kiss on my forehead

"And?" he asked, "Did she call?"

"Yes, he's going to be fine. He had a blood clot in his artery so they need to put some stents in but the doctor is very confident that he's going to be fine,"

The relief set in across his face, "That's great news baby!"

He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned my head against his chest. He was scheduled for his operation in the next couple of days. I was thankful that this nightmare was slowly starting to come to an end.

"So hopefully by the end of this week, he'll be home and in recovery,"

"You must be so relieved,"

"I am," I sighed, "These last couple of days have been a nightmare,"

"It wasn't all bad," he murmured, "I learned a beautiful young lady loved me so there's that,"

I pulled away enough to look up at him and he was smiling down at me. His happiness was contagious and I couldn't help but mirror it. I still couldn't believe he told me he loved me - it was a moment I kept playing over and over in my head.

"Well, she does love you," I said playfully, "But only if you brought back doughnuts like you said you would,"

He chuckled and let go of me. He reached into one of the bags and pulled out a small box of mini doughnuts dusted with sugar and cinnamon on them, just like I wanted.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, "See this is one of the many reasons why I love you,"

He smirked and emptied the contents of the brown bag. Microwave popcorn, chocolates, sweets - he had it all for our little movie night we had planned. We were in London but we weren't exactly here under the best of circumstances and I couldn't bring myself to be in the 'touristy' mood and show him around. Giovanni suggested we gather all the snacks we needed, get into bed and binge-watched a movie or two. Who could resist that?

"Did you ever hear back from your brother?" I opened the box in my hand and grabbed one, the doughnut melting in my mouth

"My mother is there now. Apparently, she had locked herself in the guest room - she didn't want to face my father so thank fuck they went to get her,"

"And was your father there?"

He shook his head

"You know you can talk to me about that," I murmured softly, "I know all this shit was happening with my dad but you're also dealing with what happened,"

He sat down on the bed and I walked over to him, positioning myself in between his legs.

"There's not much to say. My dad is a dick and I don't want anything to do with him," he said flatly, "And I want my mother out of that house. She deserves better than this,"

"Do you think she'll leave him?"

He shrugged, "No idea to be honest,"

"If she doesn't, what are you going to do about your dad?"

"Nothing. If she stays with him, she'll have to respect that I don't want to see him again,"

I understood his frustration. He just wanted to protect his mother and he had every right to.

"I'll deal with this when we get back to Barcelona," he said,

I slowly ran my fingers through his thick hair, "Speaking of, you need to let me know how much all this cost you. The flights, the hotel - I need to pay you back,"

He scoffed

"What?" I asked 

"I don't want your money baby," he rubbed his hand up and down my arm,

"But this was all unexpected," I objected

"Isabella, I mean this with no arrogance but money is not an issue for me,"

I was definitely aware that he was well-off. If his car and apartment were anything to go on, he lived more than comfortably.

"Plus, what's mine is yours now," he pulled me closer to him, "We are in a relationship are we not?

He was being playful now and I couldn't help but smile. I loved hearing him reference our relationship. This was all I had ever wanted. I wanted Giovanni all to myself and now I had him.

"I believe we are,"

I leaned down and my lips met his. I could never get enough of kissing him. He pulled away from me

"Listen we better get this movie marathon going because I'm dying to have those Oreos I bought,"

I chuckled, "Fine, you pick a movie and I'll make the popcorn. 

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