Chapter 16

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||hey look I'm posting again! Sorry I took a week break! Well let's just start Bc idk what else to say!||

She whipped her head around and saw a man dressed in worn out clothes and a sack on his head? Then it clicked, Scarecrow.

"You guys need to go!" Jason ordered pointing in the opposite direction of the villain. Lila darted out, you didn't have to tell her twice. While Alya took out her phone and ditched the shopping bags in Jay's hands. "Hey!" He protested, but the blogger paid him no mind.

"Marinette you need to hide!" His face held a look of worry which made the bluenette scoff. "I don't take orders from you."

Jason was setting down the bags that were given to him. "Look I know you don't like me but please go, I need you to be safe!" "I can handle myself you know, maybe YOU'RE the one who's supposed to run and hide because that's the LAST thing I'm doing."

Jason didn't want to leave. He wanted his unofficial sister to be safe, but he knew she wasn't gonna listen. "You didn't change one bit." He mumbled, not loud enough for Mari to pick up on. Knowing the only way to keep her safe now was to become his alter ego, Red Hood. With one last glance at his sister, Jason dashed off to find if any of the Bats had reached the premises.

Marinette heard the sound of fast footsteps behind her and sighed. He left again. This felt awfully familiar from when she was a kid, but
the sound of crying got the teenage girl's attention.

Peering over to the right, she saw a little girl hiding behind one of those fake plastic mall plants. Marinette hurried over and noticed tears dripping down the little girl's face.

"Hey what's wrong?" "I can't find my babysitter a-and I'm scared."

"What's you're name? I'm Marinette!" Her hand found her way to the girl's back, rubbing it up and down in an attempt to console the little one she just met.

"M-Mar'i Grayson."

Marinette felt great sympathy for Mar'i. She knew what it was like to be abandoned. "Let's just find your parents." "They aren't h-here." Mar'i hiccuped "They had to go s-somewhere." She cried burying herself into our bluenette.

A scratchy voice called from behind them. "Look what we have here!"

The shock on Marinette's face showed as she became face to face with Scarecrow.

"I found someone to test my new toxins on!!!" He exclaimed with joy, definitely smiling behind that old sack.

*Marinette's POV*

I tucked the little girl into my chest as I rolled back. Adding some force to the plant so it launched in Scarecrow's direction.

"Brat!" He growled when the plant hit his stomach. Scarecrow took a second to catch his breath, but that was all I needed to duck behind the trash can.

"Come out come out wherever you are!" He sang looking from left to right. My hands gripped the whimpering girl closer. The cold metal I rested against was gone! It made me fall back and there it was for the second time, Scarecrow's face. He was looking down on me while I laid on the floor.

His hand reached for me, but I rolled out of the way, trying not to put too ouch pressure on Mar'i.


I swiped a foot under him, causing an imbalance of his weight on his left foot.

He landed on the cold floor as I got up, Mar'i in my left hand. Her breaths were in the crook of my neck.

Scarecrow pulled something out from the back.

It was a...





A sharp breath past my clenched teeth as I realized what he was holding. If this happened when I was in my ladybug suit, it would be fine. But I wasn't AND I'm holding someone!

"Stay still." He smirked pressing the trigger. It was aiming for my left arm so I turned around shielding Mar'i from the blow.

There was a sharp pain in my arm.

I mentally cursed so then the little girl wouldn't pick up on these vulgar words. Their parents would probably kill me.

My body dropped and then I saw Chat. Chat Noir. When he worked with Hawkmoth because that man promised me to Chat.

My mind replayed all the memories I hated. All those of my parents, classmates, and the worst of all? Chat noir and Hawkmoth.

All that was in my mind was red and I had to do something about it.

*With Jason*

Marinette drop-kicked Scarecrow while holding someone?

I was now in my Red Hood suit along with Red Robin and Nightwing.

"Is that Mar'i?" Nightwing asked squinting at the scene. "THAT IS!" He was fuming.

"Guys! Stop! We need to save both of them!" Red Robin held back Bluebird from attacking. Scarecrow pulled out something from his back pocket. Judging by how he held it, it was no doubt a gun, and it was pointing AT MY SISTER AND NIECE!

Before we could act, the trigger was pulled. My jaw dropped at how Marinette maneuvered Mar'i out of the way.

But she got shot herself!

"HEY!" I called, before jumping down onto the floor they were on. "What was that? Huh? ANSWER ME!"

He chuckled before talking. "It's my memory toxin. It brings out all the worst memories you've ever lived through. Even ones you've forgotten."

It didn't really matter, the worst the that happened to her was probably me leaving, and she for sure didn't forget that.

I was about to launch for Scarecrow until someone beat me to it. Marinette had launched herself onto the villain.

"Why you BASTARD!" She shouted, punching in between ever word. There were tears streaming down her face.

Backing up, I saw Mar'i safely in her father's arms and a whole crowd gathered around us.


"Hold on Pixie."

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