Chapter 2

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||Chapter 2! yAy! oki enjoy! I don't own Miraculous or Batman or any of the characters.||

Marinette was woken up by someone picking her up. She was squirming around but this man had a tight grip on her, so she eventually gave up. Where was she? Why was she here? 

Marinette heard a deep voice. "This is what you brought for me to be my test subject? Are you kidding me? I don't want this! UGH THROW HER OUT!" The voice shouted which caused the little girl to flinch. Before she knew it she was thrown on the ground. "Great a new environment where I have nothing!" She grumbled. "Wait is that the Eiffel Tower? I'm in freaking Paris?" She shouted. Pigeons scattered from the noise. That was the breaking point for Marinette. 

She slid down a nearby brick wall and tears began to drip down her face. She didn't have Jason, she didn't have friends, she didn't have family. This was a mess. This little Asian woman came up to her and spoke. "Hello? Where are your parents?" The woman asked. "I don't understand french miss." Mari responded. Sabine took out her phone and typed something. "Where are your parents sweetheart?" The automated voice said. Marinette took the phone and typed something. "I was brought here by some men. I don't really have a home or parents." 

Sabine's POvV

I heard what the voice said. I felt bad for the girl and decided too take her home. I told her to follow me. She seemed reluctant at first, but she followed.

Marinette's POV

Why would she ask me to follow her? You don't just follow random strangers in Gotham, but this wasn't Gotham so I followed. I helped her with her groceries and we walked for a few minutes. There was a bakery. Sabine said something to the big man. They lead me upstairs to this bedroom and told me through the translation app that they would house me.

I was shocked. Why would they do that for me? Why were they so nice to me? I thanked them and looked around my new room. It was so much better compared to the shack. Wow. Maybe being kidnapped wasn't so bad.

||Y'all kidnapping is horrible please don't take advice from little Mari! LOL anyways thanks for reading! ilysm! BAI!||


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