Chapter 7

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||HAI GUYS! Thank you so much for over 900 views! You all rock! Okai onto da chapstick!||

That night Marinette just slept because it was a very exhausting trip. Had to sleep off the jet-lag. She was waken up by Tikki pouring water on her face. Kalkki was in the corner laughing. 

"TIKKI! What was that for?" She pouted at the kwamii make Tikki giggle. "You wouldn't wake up!" "There is a better way to do that. I'm gonna take a shower!" Marinette grumbled, walked to the bathroom and splashed water on her face. "Kalkki can you pass me some bandages?" 

Kalkki passed it to her and she began wrapping her scars from before. Afterwards she ordered some room service for breakfast it was off to the bus. This time she actually caught the bus. Thank goodness but everyone was shooting her scowls or glares as the bluenette made her way to the back seat. Sitting down with a sigh she pulled out her sketchbook while the bus drove them to W.E.

The bus came to a halt. There was another huge building! Mr. Wayne loved big buildings I guess. Everyone began to walk off the bus. Marinette sat down and waited for everyone to exit while drawing some designs the building inspired. 

When Marinette walked in there was a familiar face. It was Dick from yesterday! "I didn't know he worked at W.E." She mumbled to no one in particular. 

Dick caught sight of her and walked over to her with a big smile. "Hi! I see your class didn't forget you this time." "Yeah lucky me. Don't you have a tour to start?" "Oh yeah! Talk later!" He ran back up to the desk leaving a smiling Marinette. 

Dick was sprouting information and Mari was listening closely, but we can't say the same for her classmates. "My Damiboo is amazing! He was the one who made sure we got this trip!" Lila whispered in Alya's ear. "Oh really? Can you ask him if I can get an interview? It will be huge for my blog!" Alya squealed holding her phone. "I can try but he is really busy!" "Oh right!" 

He heard everything. His brother date her? Ha nope! If anything he would kill her so maybe it's best not to tell him what they're saying. "Alright we can stop for lunch right this way to the cafeteria." Dick gestured to a big room. It was like a mini food court inside. There were so many American fast food places and carts and stands! 

Marinette got some chick-fil-a and food for the kwamiis. (Because why not right?) Marinette slid the cookie and sugar cube into her purse and started eating only for Dick to sit down at her table. 

"How come you aren't eating with your friends?" Dick asked. "They don't really like me." Marinette shrugged biting into her chicken nuggets. (UHHHHHH I WANT SOME GIMME!) "How could they not like you? You seem like a great friend." "It's a long story." Dick looked at the girl again. Just now noticing the bandages on her arm. "Your arm! What happened Marinette?" She panicked for a bit before answering. "Clumsy that's all!" She said a bit too quickly which caused Dick to narrow his eyes. Living with the greatest detective meant you pick up on a few things. Like lying. 

"Yo Dickhead!" Someone called walking up to them. The voice was familiar to Marinette. Who was it? Mari looked up and saw Dick turning towards him muttering about something. The sight made her drop her nuggie. Eyes widening as she recognized that face. How was this possible? Something for that man clicked too. "P-Pixie?" 

||OOO! So umm yeah! That's that! Thanks again for everything guys! ILYSM! BAI AND HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!||



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