Chapter 16

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"Are we there yet?" moaned Korra. "We'll get there when we get there." Lin's patience was wearing dangerously thin with every "are we there yet" from Korra. "What are you and Asami going to do when you get back?" Kya asked in an attempt to distract Korra from her boredom. "I just can't wait to fall asleep next to her," Korra sighed. "I like you and Asami together- I feel like I'm seeing a whole other side of Korra." "What do you mean?" "I just think Asami opens up a softer side of you. Wouldn't you agree, Lin?" "I could say the same for you," said Korra before Lin had a chance to answer. "You bring out a very different Chief Beifong. Definitely a Chief I've never seen before." Kya smiled and looked over to Lin who, although she had her back to Kya, could still see a flush of pink on the back of her neck. "A better question is what are you two going to do when we get back?" Korra raised her eyebrows suggestively and gave Kya a quick wink. "I'm afraid we won't have time to discuss the deep inner workings of our personal life- this looks like your stop," said Kya as Oogie flew closer and closer to the gilded Soto mansion. Korra's eyes lit up instantly and before Lin could fly Oogie closer to the ground, Korra shot out of her seat like a cannonball, airbending her way safely right to the front steps. "Thanks for the ride!" Korra called up. "Don't forget your bag!" Kya shouted back as Lin flung the duffle to Korra with a metal cable. "Thanks again!" As Lin and Kya began their ascent to the clouds once more, they had just enough time to see Asami and Korra's reunion with Korra picking up Asami and twirling her around in her arms. "Awww," said Kya as the two faded into the distance. "They're such a cute couple," she continued, moving over to sit behind Lin. "Adorable," Lin mumbled. "I'll admit it, sometimes I feel a bit jealous of them." "Why?" Kya sighed. "I can't help but wonder what life would have been like if we had gotten together when we were their age," she said wistfully. Lin turned and placed a hand on Kya's. "The timing wasn't right back then. I was just starting out on the force and you were out traveling the world. I think maybe it was meant to be this way so we could both live out dreams without being held back." "I guess I never thought of it like that. And, Lin, if it's any consolation, you make me feel like I did when I was twenty- so full of life." "Just don't go getting any ideas of picking me up like Korra and Asami," Lin said, blushing slightly. Soon the two found themselves gliding over the twinkling lights of Republic City towards Air Temple Island. "I've always loved the way the city looks at night," Kya said dreamily. "Especially how the statue of my father is lit up. I like to think he likes looking at the city at night too. Maybe that's why they built the statue facing the city rather than away- so he could see the beautiful place he built." Not knowing what to say, Lin steered Oogie towards the courtyard and landed with a thud. "If we're quiet, maybe we can drop off Oogie and go," Lin whispered. Kya nodded and the two of them gracefully and silently deboarded the sky bison. They had almost made it out of the courtyard when Tenzin suddenly appeared. "I thought I heard Oogie-welcome back!" Tenzin said cheerfully walking over to greet them. "He didn't give you any trouble I hope," he said, giving Oogie an affectionate pat. "No trouble at all," said Lin. Tenzin looked around them, as if searching for something. "Where is Korra?" "Dropped her off at Asami's. She was very anxious to get back to see her," Lin said cooly. Tenzin smiled. "They're young and in love- let the kids have some fun. Did you have a good visit to Zaofu?" "It was so fun! We got to visit Su and meet her kids and oh! I almost forgot- remember that story dad told us about the two lovers in the cave?" "You mean the secret tunnel?" "Yeah that one! Lin and I actually went there and saw it!" Tenzin's smile widened. "And was it true? Was love really brightest in the dark?" He said with a laugh. "It is." Kya reached out and gently grasped Lin's hand, causing Lin's heart to hammer in her chest nervously. "Kya, what are you-" Lin started but was interrupted by Kya. "Tenzin, Lin and I...We're kind of together." Tenzin arched an eyebrow and looked at Lin for confirmation. Although she was desperately trying to avoid eye contact, the flush of her cheeks told Tenzin all he needed to know. "I'm really happy for you both," he said and wrapped his arms around the two women. "Okay, I think that's good," Lin said as she freed herself from Tenzin's embrace. "C'mon, Lin. I know you're not a hugger but just this once." Lin rolled her eyes and begrudgingly entered the group hug once more. "Lin, I know you're a private person and I'm sure this relationship is quite new to you both. I understand if you want me to keep this information to myself for the time being-until you feel ready to go public." "Thank you, Tenzin. I really appreciate that," Lin said, still avoiding eye contact, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I won't keep you- I'm sure you're exhausted and ready to be back in your own space. I can give you a lift home if you'd like?" Tenzin offered. Lin had almost forgotten how tired she was and felt her eyelids grow heavy. "That would actually be great," she said, stifling a yawn. She, Kya and Tenzin climbed onto Oogie and were soaring back towards Republic City.

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