Chapter 3

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A few hours later, there was a knock on Lin's door. "Come in," she said lazily, not taking her eyes away from the book she had just started. Suyin poked her head in the room and smiled at Lin. "It's time for dinner. I thought I would come and grab you." Lin stuck her bookmark in her book and looked up to see her sister had now fully entered her room. She stood by the door nervously fidgeting with her large metal pendant. Lin rose from her bed and crossed her arms. "Is there something else?" she asked, taking note of her sister's anxious habit. "Yes there is. I... I'm really happy to have you back here, Lin. And on much better terms than last time. I was just hoping that we could, at some point, have time to talk. Just you and me," she said smiling hopefully. Much to Su's surprise, Lin actually smiled back at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm looking forward to it," she said. Su threw her arms around her big sister and hugged her tightly. Lin's eyes widened as she felt Su wrap her arms tightly around her. "I just really missed you," Su said hoarsely. Lin paused and wrapped her arms around her sister gingerly. "I missed you too, Su." After what seemed like a lifetime to Lin, she cleared her throat, signaling to Su that their tender moment was over. Su quickly recoiled, still smiling at Lin. "So... dinner?"

Dinner in Zaofu never disappointed. "Su, everything tastes amazing!," Kya remarked between bites. "Everything we've eaten tonight is all locally grown right in our own city. My brilliant architect of a husband designed Zaofu to be entirely self sustainable. We are truly blessed," replied Su. "Speaking of which, he should be here by now," she added looking around. Almost as if on cue, Bataar came running by the door encumbered by multiple large scrolls. "Sorry I'm late, hunny! Got a new idea! Do you mind if I work through dinner?" he asked hastily, trying to maintain his grip on all the plans in his hands. "Of course not, my love! You must go where inspiration strikes!" And with her blessing, Bataar sped off towards his study. "'I'm sorry the rest of my family isn't joining us tonight, ladies," Su said gesturing to the rest of the empty seats in the dining hall. "My boys are off at school and Opal is with the air nomads. I really miss her." "She is doing great, Su," Korra said in an attempt to lighten the mood. "She is?" Su's eyes lit up. "She's one of the best air benders we have! You should be really proud of her." "I've seen her work with my brother, she is really something," Kya added. "It's funny, she reminds me a bit of Lin," she continued, meeting Lin's gaze. Suyin raised an eyebrow. "Really? Lin? How so?" "When she gets frustrated or annoyed I notice she scrunches her nose up the same way Lin does," Kya said, stifling a giggle. "I don't scrunch!" Lin said, unknowingly scrunching her face. The rest of the woman tried their best to suppress their laughs to no avail, making Lin sink a little lower into her chair. "Lin," Kya said between laughs. "We aren't making fun of you," she said reassuringly. Lin crossed her arms defensively. "Lin would always get that look when we were kids and she would lose," Kya continued, never breaking Lin's gaze. "Only because you cheated," Lin said sulkily. "Cheated?" Kya asked incredulously. Lin leaned forward in her seat and sat up straight. "Yes! You would always freeze a patch of ice behind me and I would slip and fall and you would say you won," Lin said, half smiling. "It worked, didn't it?" Kya smirked. "Besides, I specifically recall your mom cheering me on and congratulating me for 'thinking outside the box'", Kya added before taking a swig of her wine. "Mom always did have a soft spot for you," Su interjected. "I think it was because you were the only one that could beat Lin in a fight- and boy did Lin HATE losing," Su said turning to Korra. "She would get this scrunched up look on her face and not talk to anyone for about a day," Kya added. "And who knows, maybe you did let me win a few," said Kya with an almost imperceptible wink at Lin. Lin felt her heart rate increase and blood rush to her face. She quickly picked up her wine glass to try to distract herself. "You were... a capable opponent," was all Lin could think of as a response. "You know," Su said, the wheels in her head visibly turning. "I have a full sparring ring here. I think you two should have a little re-match." Lin, who was taking a small sip of her wine nearly choked. "Re-match?" she sputtered. "Yes! That's a great idea, Su!" Kya grinned. "Perfect- I'll give you plenty of time to practice and then in a week you can show us what you got." Kya raised her glass to Lin. "May the best woman win," Kya said with a devilish smile. Lin raised her glass in return, feeling her stomach churn in anxious anticipation. Kya Korra and Su began talking amongst themselves while Lin's mind began to race. When was she supposed to continue her work with Korra if now she had to practice sparring with Kya in addition to teaching the Avatar metal bending with Su?

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