Chapter 5

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"Lin? You up?" Lin stirred, eventually attempting to open her eyes. She lifted her head slowly to see Su holding her door ajar, staring at her inquisitively. Lin began to sit up, quickly pulling at her blankets to cover herself when she realized she had fallen asleep in her towel. "Have a good night's sleep?" Su asked with a sly smile. "How long was I out?" Lin asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "About 15 hours. We left you some dinner last night in case you woke up," Su gestured to a small covered plate on the coffee table. "Well, I'm glad you slept so well because we have a big day of teaching ahead of us! I'll let you get decent and we can meet out in the sparring ring," Su said before closing the door behind her. Lin took a deep breath and sat for a minute on the edge of her bed. She rubbed the back of her neck and carefully got to her feet, making sure she was within arms reach of something to grab onto for support. Much to her surprise, she felt completely fine. In fact, she felt better than she had in years. She felt sharper, more agile and ready for combat. She hastily brushed her teeth and got dressed, swiping some leftovers from dinner on her way out. She strode confidently towards the ring, squaring her shoulders at the sight of Korra and Su. "How are you feeling, Chief?" Korra asked. "A lot better than you'll feel when we're done with you," she said sternly, although both Korra and Su noticed the small smile she tried to hide. Su tossed Korra a small meteorite. "Let's get to work," she said with a grin.

Four hours later, Korra was dripping in sweat. She had expected to be put through the ringer by Lin, but was shocked to learn that Su could become equally challenging despite her gentle demeanor. She was just happy Toph wasn't here or else she really would be in trouble. "Come on, Korra. One more round," Su yelled, preparing to spar with the Avatar while Lin critiqued Korra's movements. "Keep your head up!" Lin shouted, as Korra dodged one of Su's attacks. Korra's muscles burned as she focused on feeling the earth inside the metal, attempting to hurl it at Su. The matriarch of the metal clan easily evaded Korra's strike, redirecting it at the young Avatar. "You have to be ready for anything!" yelled Lin as Korra narrowly avoided the blow. Korra quickly earth bended a wall to protect herself while she caught her breath, bending over with her head bowed. Suddenly she felt the earth move under her and she was pulled down to her neck- completely immobilized. "I said keep your head up," Lin said, walking toward her with Su by her side. Korra scowled at the chief before being freed from her earthly restraints. "Good work today, Korra," Su said encouragingly, helping the Avatar to her feet. Korra smiled appreciatively at Su and turned her eyes to Lin, expecting feedback on her performance. "You weren't half bad," Lin finally said, wiping her own perspiration off her brow. "Hit the showers, kid. We're done for the day." Korra breathed a sigh of relief and used what little strength she had left to go get herself cleaned up. "You're actually not a bad teacher, Lin," Su said, playfully punching Lin's arm. "You say that like you're surprised." "Remember how mom taught us?" Lin cracked a smile. "I personally think she got too much enjoyment out of throwing rocks at us." The two shared a laugh before Su ushered her sister to the veranda. "Care for a cup of tea?" Su asked, flagging down a member of her staff. Lin nodded and sure enough, two small cups filled with fresh green tea appeared before them. "It's really nice to have you around, Lin. I know I keep saying it, but I still can't believe that you're here- not on business." Lin quietly sipped her tea and tried to think of how to respond. "So," the two of them said at the same time. "Umm.... you can go," Lin said sheepishly. "I was just going to say," Su began awkwardly. "How have things been... for the last thirty years?" Lin fiddled with her cup nervously. "Things have been... good." Su raised an eyebrow in disappointment. "Good? Just good? Thirty years go by and all you can say is 'good'?" "I don't know, Su. What do you want me to say? What do you want to know?" Lin asked stiffly. Su thought to herself for a moment before answering. "I know you met my husband and children, but Lin, I know virtually nothing about the people in your life. Did you find someone... special?" "It's... complicated," Lin answered vaguely, hoping her sister wouldn't press her for more. "I can keep up," Su replied, leaning back in her chair comfortably. Lin closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Remember that day at Air Temple Island? When Tenzin announced his engagement to Pema?" Su nodded. Lin's eyes darted around the veranda as if the words she were looking for would appear in front of her. "I... I had a moment," she began but was quickly interrupted by Su. "With Tenzin? I always knew you had a hard time letting him go," Su said in a knowing voice. "Tenzin? No! And what do you mean? Never mind, that's not the point. Please, Su, just wait until you hear everything," Lin said, trying her best to keep her emotions in check and not storm off. "That day, kind of started something I'm still trying to figure out. There is someone... we haven't really been together properly. We've been apart for a long time and are still trying to figure things out. I don't even know if they feel the same way back." Su leaned forward and took her sister's hand in hers. "I know," she said after giving her sister's hand a squeeze. Lin raised her eyebrow in confusion. "You know? Know what?" Su sipped her tea and gave Lin a knowing look. "I've seen the way you look at her." Lin felt her stomach drop and the heat rise in her cheeks. "I... I don't know... who?" was all she could manage. "C'mon, Lin, we're all adults here. You may think you're good at hiding it but your body tells a different story. Every Time you see her your pupils dilate, your pulse races, and your heart rate goes through the roof." Lin just stared at her slack jawed. "How...?" "You really think Aiwei was the only one who can tell when people are lying? Mom taught me a few tricks before she moved away." "How long have you known?" Lin asked quietly. "I had my suspicions after you and Tenzin broke up. At first I thought you just weren't over him, but then I wondered if maybe.... He wasn't your type." Lin cleared her throat and managed to get out, "Are you... are you okay? With that?" "Lin, of course. You're my sister and you'll always be my sister. And just between the two of us, I think Kya has a bit of a thing for you as well," she added with a wink. Lin's face turned a deeper scarlet. "So, what are you going to do about it?" Su asked, after knocking back the rest of her tea. "What do you mean?" Su rolled her eyes. "About kya!" "Shhh!" Lin half whispered half shouted. "Keep your voice down!" "You're not answering my question," Su said as she tapped her foot in annoyance. "What can I do? What is there to do? I'm also afraid she might still be mad at me," Lin said defeatedly. Su arched an eyebrow in curiosity. "That day at the air temple Kya and I... we might have almost shared an intimate moment. And I may or may not have been a bit harsh to her about it." "That was over 30 years ago, Lin. People change. You've changed, right?" Lin nodded slowly. "I think you two just need a little... alone time," Su said with a grin. "You are such a child," Lin scoffed. "I'm the child? You're the one who's blushing like a schoolgirl!" Su retorted. Lin silently seethed, hating that her little sister was right. Su took a deep breath before continuing. "I can't tell you how to live your life, but I can tell you that not doing anything because you're afraid of things not turning out how you want is no way to live. What did mom used to say? 'We have to face our problems head on, like an earth bender.'" Lin's face softened hearing her mother's old adage. Lin took a deep breath, and swallowing all her pride asked, "So what should I do?" Su's eyes brightened with excitement as she quickly began rattling off ways for Lin to win Kya's affection. "Are you sure that will work?" Lin asked after listening to Su's numerous ideas. "There's only one way to find out." 

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