Chapter 2

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The next morning Lin was anxious to meet Korra at their meditation spot, and arrived early to retrieve her "meditation robes" from where she'd previously stashed it. Donning airbender robes, she stood facing Republic City, hands clasped behind her back awaiting her teacher. Ten minutes passed and Lin began to tap her foot impatiently, annoyed at the Avatar's tardiness. "Sorry!" She heard from overhead, as Korra maneuvered her glider a few feet away from the Chief. "Shouldn't the teacher usually be the early one?" Lin asked sarcastically. "Listen, this is my first time being someone's mentor so can you cut me a tiny bit of slack?" Lin rolled her eyes. "Today, we are going to be doing breathing exercises to help you focus more on your meditation. I noticed last time you were struggling with that," said Korra, noticing Lin's frown at her critique. "But that's okay- you are doing really well. Come sit and let's practice." They sat side by side and Korra instructed Lin to close her eyes. "Okay, so I want you to focus just on your breathing. Don't think about anything else. Just breathe." Lin straightened her posture and began to take a deep breath in. "Good. Now feel that breath in your lungs and exhale gently." Lin huffed. "Gently," Korra reminded her. "Try just listening to your own breathing. Focus on the sounds- in and out." Lin tried again. She inhaled and gradually let her chest fall with each exhale. After a few times of doing this she began to feel her memories creeping to the forefront of her mind. Her eyes flew open. "Everything okay, Chief?" Korra asked. "Yeah. Fine. Everything is fine." She suddenly felt agitated and felt it impossible for her to sit still. "Oh, by the way," Lin began, "I've thought about it. We are going to Zaofu." "That's great, Chief! When do we leave?" "Today." Korra blinked twice, absorbing the information and choosing her next words carefully. "And what made you come to this sudden realization?" she asked, studying the older woman's expression. "I... I did what you said. I slept on it," she said curtly. Korra took a deep breath and used all of her willpower to not try to pry more information out of Lin. "I'll go pack then," Korra said slowly, as she began to stand. "There is one other... small detail," Lin added as Korra turned to leave. "We won't be going alone. Kya is coming with us," Lin added quickly, averting her eyes. Korra couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "What?! Chief! Now you have to tell me what's going on. If we're all going to Zaofu together, I think I should be let in on the plan." "There is no 'plan'," Lin snapped. "So, Kya knows why we're going then, right?" Lin ran her fingers through her hair and rubbed the back of her neck with frustration. "Not exactly." "Chief! I want to help you, I really do. But I can't do that if you aren't being honest with me." Korra replied, sitting down again next to Lin. "Fine. Here's the truth- Kya thinks we are going to Zaofu so I can train you better at metal bending. We were talking last night and I panicked and invited her to come with us. Are you happy now?" Lin crossed her arms tightly. "And what does your sister know?" Korra asked. "Su doesn't even know we're coming let alone why. I think it's best to leave her out of this," Lin said rubbing her temples. Korra nodded. "So, just to be clear- I'm going to tell Kya and Su that you're taking me to Zaofu to train me more on metal bending?" "Wow, nothing gets past you, kid," Lin grumbled. "Hey! I'm just trying to keep up since you're not giving me a lot to work with," Korra retorted. Lin took a deep breath. "Look, there are... things happening." "Very insightful, Chief. Very brave of you to say that." "This isn't easy for me!" Lin replied angrily, feeling her face grow hot with anger and embarrassment. "There are things happening that I can't predict. I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I can say now," she added softly. Korra scooted closer and put a hand on her shoulder. "I understand that this is uncomfortable for you, I really do. I understand how frustrating it is when certain things don't come naturally. Ask Tenzin how I was when I was first learning air bending and he'll tell you- I was an absolute nightmare. But it comes in time. You just need to stick it out and trust me- I'm here to help." Korra gave Lin's shoulder a small squeeze and the two women both got to their feet. "Thanks, Korra," Lin mumbled. Korra gave her a small smile and the two of them set out to ready themselves for their journey.

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