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Daegan POV

"I hope you guys had a good first day", Mrs. Martin asked us after we got to the house.

I shrugged,"Juist aboot" Some of my teachers were annoying but I enjoyed a majority of them, especially since I had them with my doll. I wonder what he was doing right now? (Just about)

"Yeah until Daegan tackled Max Schneider like a sack of potatoes", Otto said suddenly.

Mr. Martin raised an eyebrow around his drink,"He did?", he questioned looking between me and his son.

"Why would you do that?", Mrs. Martin asked me with that universal look that meant that I was in trouble.

I glared at Otto from across the island, but he only smiled back at me. This guy totally had some kind of a death wish running his mouth like that.

I thought about grabbing him by the collar and throwing him across the room, but thought against it. Mrs. Martin would not appreciate it. Instead I looked back at the older two who were waiting for my explanation,"He wis bein' a twat", I simply responded with a shrug. (He was being a twat)

"Language!", Mrs. Martin scolded, glaring at me and it took everything in me to not scoff at her. I was trying to be more respectful, but the whole cursing thing would be a hard bridge to burn for me.

"To be fair mom, he wasn't wrong", Otto said, backing me up. I knew there was a reason I liked him,"dude was being a bigger A-hole than usual; gave a kid a bloody nose.", he explained.

Mr. Martin seemed to understand where it was coming from but Mrs. Martin didn't feel the same way,"Still, violence isn't the answer", she scolded me, shaking her head side to side,"you get in any trouble and it could get you sent back home."

I rolled my eyes at the pacifistic bullshit. I would break his leg if it meant protecting what was mine. To protect my doll. I didn't get in trouble so we had nothing to really talk about.

"So what did the teacher say about it?", Mr. Martin asked me, snapping me out of my stupor,"You aren't in trouble are you?"

"Huh?", I forced myself to push the thoughts of Tenoa from my head,"Uch na", I answered him, swallowing the lump in my throat. (Huh? uh no)

"He juist tellt me tae huv a go oot fur lacrosse neist week", I explained, sipping my drink,"Said ah hud untapped go "untapped potential"." He didn't even yell at me, instead spending 20 minutes trying to beg me to tryout out for basically any sport where my strength and size would be beneficial. (He just told me to try out for lacrosse next week. Said I had "untapped potential.")

Mr. Martin snorted,"I'll say", he agreed sipping from his drink,"you're a mammoth, he'd be a waste to not put that size to use", he clapped his shoulder only to hiss, drawing his hand away.

Endnotes: Hope y'all liked this chapter! I know it seems kinda slow paced, but trust me that's just the intro to get to ball rolling.

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