fichead 's a seachd

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Tenoa huffed as his fingernails scrapped the spine of the book for the fourth time. "Ugh, Shia LeBouf", he muttered as he looked up at the gold spine of the book. He had been looking for this particular mythology book and, much like, Tantalus it was permanently placed just out of his reach.

As he stretched his limbs overhead, his shirt rose passed his navel. He had become obsessed with crop tops since their date and he'd gone on a spree of cutting a majority his shirts. The thin strip of fabric sliced away to show skims of his flat abdomen. He was so focused that he was surprised when a familiar pale hand brushed passed his own, "Let me get that for you, doll", Daegan whispered into his ear, planting his hand on his exposed waist as he was pressed against his back.

Tenoa shuddered at the close proximity, but turned to face him and took the book, "Th- tha- ank y- you d- daddy", he flushed, holding the book to his chest to hide his face. Although they had been dating for a minute, he was still flustered by physical contact. He was so warm, but he couldn't help but shiver everytime.

Daegan just grinned down at him. God he would never get tired of hearing that. He stepped aside to allow Tenoa to guide the way to their usually reading nook, away from prying eyes and nosey fucks.

Once they reached their little hidden gem, Daegan sat down in the single chair their before pulling Tenoa onto his lap to straddle him. The younger boy wasn't even that surprised after all the times it had happened, but his cheeks still warmed sitting so close to his-

Tenoa tried not to squirm at his own shift in thought. He felt like he was turning into Daegan. His hormones hadn't bothered him this much since puberty! The cause of said problem just stared at him, a dent between his knitted brow as he just stared through him; his stare was so intense. Tenoa wished he wouldn't do that, but long since stopped looking down or away when he stared at him. "Wh- what is it?", he asked, curls falling over his big dough eyes.

Daegan didn't speak, instead continuing to look at him. Tenoa shivered when a calloused hand came up to cup his cheek, but easily leaned into his touch. Tenoa didn't know why but he smiled, he smile so big and bright that Daegan couldnt help, but follow suit. "You're so cute doll, ya know that?", he suddenly whispered, a soft crooked smile on his face as he spoke, "Your smile, your nose", he poked him on the nose making his face scrunch up, "your glasses, your everything....just beautiful."

Tenoa couldn't help, but smile,  hiding his face in his book. His head turned as some people walked by, making faces at them before walking off and continuing on with their business. The library had started to become overrun as of that, but it was still better than the guys bothering them.

"D- daddy st- stop i- it!", he huffed, "Y- you're gonna m- make m- me bl- blush." It was far too late for that, his face burning where his dimples protruded.

"Good", the ginger hummed, his hands moving under his shirt, making him squirm slightly, "like to make you blush." Tenoa giggled at the scratching of his stubble on his arm, his head falling forward onto his shoulder. He tipped his head back at Daegan's behest, head titled upwards to locked his brown eyes with his. Daegan couldn't decide what his favorite part of Tenoa was; he liked everything, from his button nose, to his chocolate eyes to his full pink lips.

Nope, he'd decided, it was his lips. His eyes couldn't help but gravitate to the puckered opening  "Can I kiss you?", he asked, forever a gentleman first and foremost.

Tenoa nodded eagerly, "Pl- ple- please d- daddy", he agreed as he guided his lips to his.

The kiss was soft and sweet, different from their kisses in private, but he didn't mind. When they parted, Daegan's cheeks were dusted red, but pulled tight by his grin. Tenoa hid his face in his chest for a moment, gathering his wits again before suddenly shooting his head up, almost like he'd had an epiphany.

Daegan frowned at the furrow in his brow, "What's wrong, doll?", he asked, his thumb reaching out to try and smooth the wrinkles away. He was always somewhere pouting; it would be annoying if he wasn't, so darn cute.

The younger huffed as he flattened the skin on his forehead, shaking his head to stop his ironing. He took Daegan's hands instead, clasping them together between his own, no doubt to take some of their warmth. "Do y-you wanna c- come over today?", he whispered.

The redhead raised an eyebrow, "You want me to come over tonight?" Truth be told, Daegan had been sneaking into his room for the better part of 2 weeks now. Call him stereotypical, but he loved the way Tenoa's small frame curled into him as he slept or when he'd want to be big spoon and latched onto him like a baby sloth. Considering the Martin's didn't know (or didn't care) about their son's nocturnal activities, Daegan wasn't too worried about them. Atleast he couldn't get Tenoa pregnant.

Tenoa shook his head, "N-no, after school", he clarified, pausing for a moment after answering the question. As innocent as his offer seemed, even he couldn't ignore the implications that bloomed at the suggestion. He felt like he had ulterior motives, but it genuinely wasn't the case. "Y- you d- don't ha- ave t- to i- if y- you d- don't wa- want t- to", he mumbled, lowering his gaze to the buttons on his shirt.

Just as quickly as his head lowered, two thick fingers had gently lifted his chin. He looked up to meet Daegan's soft blue-eyed gaze, "I'd love to, doll", he answered, carressing his cheek in his ridiculously large hand. "I'll check in with coach and see what time we get out of practice today, yeah?"

Tenoa revelled in the caress; he loved how large and secure Daegan was. He knew their size difference was comical to say the least but he knew Daegan as a giant teddy bear. He was truly a great guy and he wasn't just saying it because he was dating him. He was really nice and helpful too, but you wouldn't know because he'd never mention it. He's really smart too, and family oriented. Tenoa remembered the few stories he'd told him about his ma and pa back home. Daegan was really a great guy which was why he wanted other guys to know it too.

He wanted him to make real friends while he was here. Again, he refused to call Otto a "friend" and he treated the guys more like nuisances than even "friends of Otto". People tended to feel positively about him however, admiring for putting down the red-pill alpha that terrorized the school. Even Max's old lackies respected him. He was a regualar beckon of popularity and had every resource at his disposal if he wanted friends.emphasis on if. He didn't care if they were guys or girls, so long as Daegan had more. He knew he'd been wished he was more of a social butterfly; maybe then he'd have more friends than just his boyfriend and his teammates.

Tenoa couldn't stop his heart from flipping at the word. Maybe friends could happen? Stranger things had.

Endnotes: Y'all I am so sorry! I just checked my drafts and noticed this last chapter hadn't posted. I HD meant to post in last August 😭🤦🏿‍♀️. I have no clue how I missed this you guys. I'm at a loss. I will make a comment at the end of the next chapter. Stay weird 🌈 imma go sit in the Box of Shame, bye 👋🏿

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