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Normal POV

Tenoa huffed from where he was hunched over trying to catch his breath. He was helping Aunt Monica move around some furniture in the livingroom and the struggle was real. He wasn't exactly a string bean, but he wasn't in the best shape ever.

Meanwhile, his aunt was perfectly fine after their powerlift session. She worked out everyday religiously as did Tenaya, so Tenoa was the odd one out. Right now, he was maybe considering actually taken them up on their workout offers one day. Then again, that was a lie.

"Baby, someone's calling you!", Aunt Monica yelled from the kitchen.

Tenoa frowned; how did she know? He patted his pockets before realising it wasn't on him. He had left it in the kitchen.

He moaned before getting up and jogging into the kitchen to see it on the counter vibrating. He stopped it up and turned it over to see who was calling him. He froze when he saw Daegan's contact run across the screen. He hugged his phone closer to his chest, glancing over at his aunt who was busy making a sandwich, completely unaware of her nephew's sudden erratics.

"You gonna tell me who Daddy is in yo phone?", she questioned, referring to his phone cradled to his chest.

Tenoa's eyes went wide, his face burning, "I- I-...i- it- t's n- not-  ", he struggle to explain himself to her. He didn't know how to explain it. Daegan wasn't even here and he had him in a flustered state! He was gonna give him a piece of his mind.

His Aunt Monica pursed her lips, raising a waxed eyebrow at him, "Mhmm", with that, she wiped her hands off before fanning at him dismissively,  "Go on, answer the phone before you miss it."

Tenoa gave a hesitant look between her and down at his phone before finally scurrying off to answer his phone.

He went upstairs to his bedroom, careful to shut and lock the door as to avoid anymore awkwardness with his aunt. He quickly swiped his thumb over the screen and accepted the call. He ran a hand through his dark coils, looking at himself in the mirror as he waited for the image to load. He didn't wanna look a mess talking to Daegan.

Halfway through his self-inspection, the camera came on to reveal Daegan. He froze immediately at being caught checking himself out. He dropped his hand instantly, ignoring how his face burned. God that was embarrassing. He prayed his aunt would keep that between them and not tell Tenaya.

Daegan ofcourse noticed this as he glanced down at the camera, "Gimme a sec, doll ", he called out before holding his phone up to eye level. Using his camera to check his nose and hair, looking at his teeth like there was spinach lodged between them, "Wanna mak' sure ah keek guid fur mah doll." (Give me a sec, doll. Wanna make sure I look good for my doll.)

Tenoa tried and failed to bit back at smile at realizing what he was doing. He always tried to make Tenoa feel better and he loved it. Sometimes he didn't deserve him.

"A' guid?", he asked, wiping his hands over his sweaty face, squinting as he looked at the screen. It seemed like he was outside, so he assumed he had probably just left practice. (All good?)

Tenoa nodded, biting his lip as he looked at him with big eyes, "Y- yes, y- you look h- hot", he answered with a sudden confidence he could explain himself. Deagan was definitely rubbing off on him.

The ginger didn't seem taken aback in the slightest, infact, he beamed at that, "Ah dae it fur ye, doll ", he cheered, flashing his sharp canines at him. He moved out of view for a moment and Tenoa heard shuffling until Daegan appeared again now sitting in his car. He propped his phone up on the dashboard,, allowing Tenoa to see that pretty face of his. (I do it for you, doll.)

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