fichead 's a trì

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Normal POV

The car was quiet as they drove to an undisclosed location. Tenoa couldn't help how his leg bounced nervously, his eyes tracking from the trees outside the vehicle and over to Daegan. He watched him drive, his fist closed lazily around the wheel as he drove. Tenoa eyes tracked over his arm, following the strong veins and chords of muscle disappearing under his shirt sleeve. Tenoas eyes moved up to his face to find Daegan staring back at him.

Embarrassed, he looked away, ignoring Daegan's chuckle as he gazed intently out the window. It was then that the car turned into a large field with other cars in the large lot with a medium building and a large white screen on a large billboard. Tenoa immediately recognized the place, but only in passing. Once Daegan finally reversed into a more secluded spot atop the hill, the bed of the truck facing the screen. Tenoa couldn't believe it, he had taken him to a drive in movie.

He could only look at Daegan speechless as he looked back at him, "Surprise!", he beamed, dimples on display as his face pinkened, "Hope yu like it."

Tenoa could only flush, nodding his head in excitement, "I- I l- love it", beamed as he undid he seatbelt and hopped out of the large truck. He looked adorable and it made Daegan feel 100% better about having to bring him here. He was glad he liked it.

He turned off the car and took out his keys before following his action and getting out the car. "Mrs. Martin told me abut this place", he explained, gathering their things out the backseat which consisted of blankets and large soft pillows, "said it was tha perfect first date spot compared tu wha ah had planned." He was just gonna take him to the actual movies, but apparently there was nothing romantic about sitting beside eachother in silence for 2 hours. Yet somehow this was better?

"Plus they wanted us tu go somewhere so people could keep an eye on us...well me atleast."

Tenoa giggled at the thought of people spying on them just to make sure Daegan didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to. Tenoa had dealt with the same thing; the perks of living in a small town. Everyone knows everybody and their business. Daegan offered his free hand and Tenoa eagerly took it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

'So far, so good.'

* * * * * *

Tenoa yawned under the blanket, his arm going to cover his mouth as to not disturb Daegan. They were laid out on the bed of his truck, snuggled up under blankets and pillows as they watched the movie being projected on the large wall. The movie wasn't really that interesting, but he didn't wanna be rude and go to sleep on Daegan. He was having a really great time despite the entertainment and really comfortable. Daegan was warm and broad, a long heavy arm draped around his middle to toy with his belt loop. Daegan shifted, pulling Tenoa closer to tuck his head under his chin. Tenoa's hand was nustled under his shirt on Daegan's abs to keep his hand warm; ballsy, yes, but what could he say?

Said person let out a loud groan,"Jesus fuck, this movie is boring as shite", he moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Tenoa hummed in a aggreeance, too tired to be flustered by his cursing. Before he knew it, he was skyrocketed into Daegan's strong lap,"Ah ken something we could do to make it fun", he whispered devilishly into his ear.

Before he could question what he meant from that, Daegan had cupped the back of his neck. He looked into the very depts of his soul, thumb tracing the hairs of his neck before sealing it with a kiss. Tenoa instantly melted into the kiss just like he had in the hallway. This was the second time they've kissed. He liked kissing Daegan, he was really good at; he liked to chew on his lips and tug on them. Tenoa couldn't help but think that he had a thing for his mouth.

The smaller boy braced his hands on his shoulders and kissed back with just as much eagerness. Still, he couldn't help but feel self-concious about his kissing skills. What if he was bad at it? What if he cut him with his braces? God that would be embarrassing.

His doubts and concerns began to surface as he grew away from his lips, however that seemed to not stop Daegan in the slightest. As Tenoa tried to regain his breathing, his lips moved down to his throat as the larger boy began to suck and gnaw on his skin.
Tenoa whimpered at the foreign feeling, covering his mouth to keep in his sounds when Daegan's mouth found a spot under his jaw that made his entire tense.

Daegan tsked in his ear, "Wanna ken how ah'm makin' yu feel, doll", he drew his hand down to rest on his hip. His own hand moved down his side and down to cup his crotch and palmed him. That action caused an avalanche of responses from Tenoa, his breath hitching, a violent shiver throughout his body.

"D- da- daddy", he whimpered, gripping his strong wrist.

Daegan loved those sounds, "That's right, say mah name", he murmured, lips attaching to his throat and sucking and nipping at every inch of flesh in his grasp.

He was enjoying every second this, Tenoa's cock filling under his palm and his ass rolling back into his own groin everytime he squirmed in his lap. He was finally seeing the appeal of going to drive-ins and he was enjoying every second of it.

However, the last thing he wanted was for either of them to cum in their pants like kids. So it was much regret that Daegan and his hand pulled away, much to the behest of Tenoa. His eyes were still closed before he realized he wasn't coming back and he pouted when he opened eyes.

Daegan let out a loud chuckle, earning looks from the other cats a fair distance away. He didn't care, not when he had his doll in his lap. "Taking things slow, doll. This is our first date after all."

The younger boy didn't verbally respond, pausing for a moment before nodding his head. Still, he didn't move or scurry off his like he usually did, but Daegan didn't mind it. Hell he preferred it. Tenoa just continued to stare at him, eyes big and wide. Was his babyboy turned on? Daegan didn't know whether to coo or ravage him. He knew he was hard, but so was he so it was a team effort.

Daegan looked at his kiss swollen lips, sucking in a sharp breath as he kept his body pressed against his. God it had gotten ridiculously hot all of a sudden. "Mite ah say, ur bum luks ravishin' in those pants", he purred in his deep husky voice. "Havin' an ass like that is down rite criminal", he emphasized his point by bringing his hand down on his right cheek making Tenoa gasp aloud, back arching to meet his chest.

Tenoa flushed a darker crimson, burying his face in his neck, embarrassed by his squeal, "Y- you're a p- perv", he muttered, hitting his arm weakly. They were in public, surrounded by people who they probably knew and they were filling eachother up like horny teenagers in old scary movies. Daegan sure did bring out something in him and he didn't yet know if it was good or bad yet.

"Yu love it", Daegan muttered in rebuttal, squeezing his thigh.

Endnotes: I really don't know what to say. Sorry would probably be a good start so....sorry. College, family and mental health stuff has really had its grip on me since the new year started. However, I'm suddenly getting my groove back and decided to update some of my long (and I mean long) awaited stories. As you can tell, I mostly stopped with the translations (idk how i feel about it but it is what it is I guess 🤷🏿‍♀️). There will be a part 2 to this for their date, since I didn't wanna make you guys wait any longer (y'all have waited long enough lol). Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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