chapter 6 : rumours & lakes

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    Dear my lovely readers.

With the season over, I truly thought I'd have nothing to write about. And I am very much relieved to say that I was proven wrong. This week's rumours surround one of my favorite topics: the Bridgertons. One rumour passing through the ton is that Anthony Bridgerton was seen arriving home with a black eye. Was it a result of another fight at the gentlemen's club? My guess is it was something more. Perhaps a scorned lover? Well knowing Anthony Bridgerton, that would be the case now, wouldn't it? The word in the square is that Lord Bridgerton is not ready to settle down just yet. Is that really the reason or is he actually as arrogant and smug as he looks and there isn't a soul in this ton who could tolerate him? Seeing his younger sister has already gotten settled, isn't it time for the oldest Bridgerton to give up his promiscuous ways as well? Or will this rake always be a rake?

Yours Truly,

Lady Whistledown


"A rake? Promiscuous? ARROGANT?!"

"Anthony, calm down," his mother said. "It's just a rumor."

Just a rumor? You clearly didn't feel that way when Whistledown wrote about Daphne!"

Anthony paced around the room, "Just wait until I find out who she is."

"Anthony, please calm down. We'll figure this out."

"It's all just complete lies Mother! What will people think about us when they read this?"

"I mean is she completely wrong?," his sister muttered under her breath.

"Eloise...," her mother whined, knowing her daughter's comments were only going to make the situation worse.

"No, I'm serious mother. Anthony, you are... promiscuous, in some sense or another. And is what Whistledown is saying not true? I mean, why do you have a black eye?"

"I told you. I ran into the door as I left the club!," Anthony huffed.

"I'm perfectly sure that's what happened....," Eloise grumbled sarcastically.

Anthony glared, in a manner in which only Anthony Bridgerton could glare.

"Anthony, would it be so awful for you to find a wife?" his mother asked as she sat him down on the couch.
"I know you don't have any current .... um diversions, right now. So isn't it time, as Whistledown says, to settle down?"

And by diversions, his mother was referring to Siena.

Since the night of the Hastings Ball, he hadn't seen her once.

She didn't frequent the modiste anymore and she wasn't singing at the opera either.

Last he heard, she had moved away but he didn't know where.

And well why should I care where she went?  he asked himself.

He was over her, or at least he thought he was.

There was never going to be a future between them, no matter how hard they tried to make one.

But even though he would never admit it out-loud to a soul, if he couldn't make it work with Siena, was it possible he could make it work with anyone else?

Was that relationship the best he was ever going to have?

"Why don't you come with me to the Trowley ball tomorrow? If you make an appearance, dance with a few young women, your reputation won't take as bad as a hit as you might you think."

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