chapter 35: intruder

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"What are you two doing together?" Colin asked, without looking at her.

"Well, I wanted to explore this beautiful ton when I came across Miss Featherington who agreed to accompany me."

"Well, that was fast."

Penelope was now infuriated. Why was he acting like this? What gave him the right?

"I'm sorry?" Will asked, clearly not understanding Colin's words.

"You've just arrived at the square and the two of you are already acquainted is what I meant," he said now glowering at Pen.

"Oh, right. Well-" and before he could answer, Gregory pulled him away, wanting to show more of his sailboat not having a clue that he was dragging a prince.

He left her alone with Colin, who even though she avoided his gaze, she could feel him glaring at her.

What was his problem?


A minute had passed and he was still staring. No, glaring.

"What?" Pen finally demanded, staring him down right back.

His lips twisted and she could feel venom seeth out of him before he even opened his mouth.

"What are you doing with him?" he hissed, lifting his chin towards the prince.

"We're friends."

Colin nodded and rocked back and forth on his toes. "So, are you two..... You know.... Are ...?"

"What?" Pen huffed. "What do you want to ask?" She knew her patience had run out and she was nothing but truly exhausted.

Colin took a step back, surprised by her biting tone.

Pen sighed and ran her hands through her hair, "Why does it matter? Why do you care?" her voice soft.

"Because," he turned to the side before looking back at her once more. "I've always cared for you. That's not going to change."

"But it has," she wanted to sound casual but felt her voice sound pleading instead. "Everything's changed."

They locked eyes and Penelope could tell he was hurting too. Why though? She brushed it aside knowing he wasn't the one who was rejected, she was.

But still, no matter what happened that night, she felt something linger between them like an invisible string refusing to be cut no matter how far they stayed from each other.

"Shall we continue?" a voice behind her said. William.

William smiled at her and Colin and gestured to the path in front of them.

"Yes," she said immediately without looking at Colin. She had to severe this string, she wasn't going to get hurt any longer.

"Wait", she felt a hard pull on her arm and found herself suddenly on Colin's side. He looked down at her, then looked up sternly at Will, "I apologize. There's something I must tell her. It's quite pertinent."

William didn't say anything, he just flickered his eyes between the two of them, nodded, and stepped off to the side where his secretary was standing.

"Why are you doing this?" she was actually pleading this time.

"Did you mean what you said that night, at the party?

Pen was taken aback. Why was he bringing this up? She sighed,"of course, I did. Looking back, it might have been very foolish of me but ultimately yes, that's how I felt. It was the truth."

"Was?" he whispered. Her eyes shot up at him. "Are you saying you no longer feel that way?"

Pen groaned. "I don't know! I'm just....figuring it all out."

"Then why are you with him?" he quickly retorted.

She scoffed, the nerve of this man

She patted down her dress and placed her hands on her hip, "You said you didn't want to be with me."

"I never said that."

Her eyes widened and she wanted to gasp. No, she wanted to smack him with her purse. He made it clear he didn't see her as anything beyond his sister's friend. Why was he now acting like there was a chance between them?

Silence lingered and the tension in the air was high.

Pen was the first to speak. "Well, do you?"

She didn't need to clarify much further. It was obvious what she was asking of him.

He ruffled his hair and looked down at his shoes, "I don't know."

"I'm not going to wait for you."

His gaze turned to the prince standing behind her, "I can see that," he muttered spitefully.

She felt like laughing. "That's not fair. You don't get to make jokes like that."

He only rolled his eyes.

That was the match that set the fuse, "I'm sorry?? Isn't this what you wanted??" Penelope's voice rose with every word and she felt the heat rush to her cheeks.

"I don't know what I want!" his voice raising as well.

Pen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "That's the problem, you never what you want. I said what I had to say and all I know is that I don't want to wait anymore. Not for you, not for anyone."

She turned and walked towards the prince who greeted her with a smile.

Pen smiled back. I know what I want and I'm going to get it.


"What just happened?" Eloise shrieked.

Mabel looked around, no longer hearing the footsteps of the individual who ran, "I don't know."

"Who was it??"

"I don't know."

Mabel grabbed Eloise's arm and ran towards the path they came from.

"What are you doing?" Eloise hissed. She couldn't help but think the majority of their relationship was made up of them running away hand in hand, saving each other again and again.

Mabel continued to run forward, only taking a second to look back at Eloise. "Whoever it is, they're probably going back to the house. If we time it right, we can cut them off and find out who saw us."

Eloise stopped and pulled Mabel back. "Wait. What if we find out and it makes everything worse?"

"It's already our worst nightmare. At least this way, we know who it is."

They continued running until they reached a wall, one of which lined the exterior of the garden. They begin to hear the music from the party once again.

They held their breaths until they heard footsteps once more, coming from the other side of the wall.

"That's probably them," Mabel whispered. She looked to Eloise for a last-minute confirmation and Eloise nodded.

They quickly turned the corner with Eloise yelling an "AHA!" to the person they had just caught.

The person was clearly in a state of shock, panting and eyes darting everywhere. They held their hand to their temple, catching their breath.

"It's you," Eloise said, breathlessly. "Mr. Carrington."




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until next time,



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