chapter 16 : finding that freakin' letter pt. 2

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Half an hour later, Eloise and Benedict were still in the study.

They sat across from each other, reeling in the warmth of the roaring fireplace.

Eloise wrapped herself in a warm blanket, the tears on her face finally beginning to dry.

"Thank you," she muttered softly.

Her brother smiled back, "of course."

Eloise looked back at the fire, her mind was racing but deep down she felt a sense of calmness. For the first time in a while, she wasn't scared, nor was she alone. She had someone on her side, someone to confide in and she cursed herself mentally for not trusting Benedict earlier. She knew now not to underestimate him. 

She looked back at him, "can I say something?"

He nodded.

"Honestly, Ben, I was....well actually I still am... surprised. Surprised that you were so accepting. I truly didn't expect you to be so understanding... and maybe I thought that if you were understanding, it would have taken you a while to get there. But it didn't. You were instantly so kind and accepting. And that reaction caught me off guard. I was really expecting the worst."

Benedict looked back, still slightly smiling. "Really? You were surprised? Come on Eloise, you must think better of me right?" he said, letting out a chuckle.

"I really don't," Eloise quickly quipped and she was met with a pillow thrown to her face.

"Oh come on!" she joked and she and Benedict shared another smile. Things were definitely way better than they were an hour ago.

Benedict opened his mouth to say something, pausing for a moment before continuing. "You know Eloise," he said in a low voice. "I've seen and done my fair share of unspeakable things."

"Oh?" Eloise questioned, an eyebrow quirking.

"Mhm, that's right," Benedict nodded, his chin pointed up, as he tried to sound as mysterious as possible. "Private, very secretive... stuff."

Eloise adjusted herself in the chair, now feeling more comfortable with the conversation. "Sleeping with Ms. DeLa Croix isn't that bad Benedict. Nor is it very secretive now, is it?" she laughed.

Benedict chuckled back. "I guess you're right. You always tend to be. So am I ever going to meet this Mabel?"

"Oh, god no," Eloise cringed as if he had just asked the most repulsing question ever.

"Well, why not?"

"Benedict!" Eloise cried. The thought of anyone meeting Mabel terrified her. No one would ever describe her family as 'sane', and Eloise knew that they were the farthest thing from ever being normal. What if she introduced Mabel to her family and realized how crazy they were? Would she ever want to see Eloise again after that?

"It's not going to happen Benedict," Eloise muttered. "So don't bother asking ever again,' sounding as stern as she could be.

"Okay, okay," Benedict said, with his hands up in defense. "I won't push."

"Thank you."

"I just think it's exciting that my younger sister finally found someone she wants to marry," Benedict chuckled loudly.

" UGH! I never said I wanted to marry her!" Eloise shrieked.

Benedict grinned at his sister's reply, "well that's what you wrote in the letter."

"Well I was drunk when I wrote it okay," Eloise huffed, not realizing her words.

"WHAT?!" Benedict exclaimed, almost jumping out of his chair.

"Oh god, I didn't mean to say that," Eloise groaned, burying her face into the pillow.

"Come on, Eloise. I can understand having feelings for a girl, but you're drinking too? My god," Benedict rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Shut up," Eloise laughed, throwing the pillow back at his face.

Eloise beamed as she looked back to the fire. Her face was completely dry and her mental breakdown felt more like an old memory with every passing minute.

She glanced at her brother; his eyes closed and he held a slight smile as he clutched the pillow to his chest.

Eloise's heart felt warm and soothed,

and she felt safe.

Maybe it was actually going to be okay


Hi everyone!!

I know i've been gone for a while but i'm back babies!

From today, you guys are going to be getting 3-4 chapters every week!!

I just want to say thank you to all the readers

8000 views, that's absolutely crazy to me !!

V. knightly


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