Chapter 1

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Y/N Point of view
As I walk from my college grounds I pull out my phone,
New Message From B/N
(BestFriend Name)
"Hey girlllllll~! Wanna go to the bar?! You know to celebrate the Exams."
I pause and look up, I felt like I was being watched....I scan the trees for anything or anyone.
I brush it off and look back at my phone.
"Umm Sure I suppose." I mumbled to myself.
I text her Alright let's do it!
I don't drink anymore but B/N does she loves to. We worked so hard on the Exams and we just got our results, so she wants to get drunk and laid.
Classic B/N.
"Perfect! I'll meet at your place at 6o'clock sharp!"
See you then B/N.
I smile to myself as I pick up the pace to get home.
All the sudden I hear footsteps behind me, my ears twitch a little.
(My ears do that all the time! Comment if yours does too)
I perk up and look behind me, it was a tall muscular man wearing a trench coat and a fedora that covers up most of his face. He must be walking towards a place in this direction.
I look down at my phone and plug in my earbuds. I flip to my favorite song and nod with the beat.
After a few moments I saw my apartment in view a couple of blocks away.
Wonder what time it is, I look down at my phone just before the screen turn on I saw a reflection of a face behind me. Chills ran up my spin.
I jerk my head behind me, the man was still far away behind me. I look back to my phone and wipe my screen, probably a smudge. I sigh with relief,
4:30 PM
I start switching thru my music when I hear the footsteps from the man pick up the speed as well as get louder. Maybe he's in a hurry...
The footsteps get closer and closer and closer. My heart starts to beat fast and I mean fast.
"Calm down...there is nothing to worry about Y/N..." I sigh to myself.
"Yeah nothing to worry about~" A man voice came from over my shoulder, my heart skips a beat.
The only thing I thought about was....RUN
So I did, my legs ran from the creep behind me. I was close to my apartment, so if I keep up the speed I can hopefully out run him or her or whatever the fuck they are!! They're creepy as hell!!
My legs start to throb the combination of fear and adrenaline isn't fun.
The Apartment complex doors slide open greeting me. I slid almost falling over, I caught my balance and dash in and towards an elevator.
But we all know elevators take forever to get down to  the first floor. I smash my finger on the button and spam it. Come on come on come on!!!
The elevator doors slide open, I squeezed in just before they open fully. Just as I did to the summoning button I spam my floor button. I saw the man more clearly now, he was pale as well as tall....extremely tall. His face scares me most of all....he doesn't have any features on his face except a toothy grin, his teeth were sharp and just as white as his skin. The grin turns into a smirk while he starts to stalk towards the Elevator doors.
Close close close!! The doors start to slide close, slow like a turtle, slower than usual. In anger and fear, I punch the side of the doors hard causing it to speed up and slam close. But just as the door close I could hear him say, "I'll see you around Y/N~"
I bite my tongue down, who was he...I lean against the elevator wall and slide down plopping myself down to catch my breath.

Offender POV
And just like that she's mine for the taking. I chuckle to myself thinking about what her face looked like when she realized she was being stalked.
Although, her expression was different she was surprised as if expecting someone else.
I scoff myself, I've been stalking her ever since she got in this apartment, she's never dated anyone...
Except.....a young boy I guess but she broke it off a long time ago never seen him since. Meaning she's single~and ready to mingle~

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now