Chapter 11

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Hey Cuties~! Wanted to say before the story......400 Views!!!!! XD 

Thank you guys TwT I'm am so happy....start posting your questions!!!!! Cause Im makin a QNA Cuties~!!!! 100 more and you shall have a QNA~ Unless we don't have enough questions than it will be silly to have only two questions lol~ This includes EVERYONE followers, not followers, people who just readin in peace~ I will not judge and no one will~ I swear it~ Thank you so much Cuties~!!! Let the story continue~

His touch was so warm and smooth.
"How about you meet me in the woods at 3AM~? So an hour~?"
"I-I Umm okay."
"That's a date~" And with that he's gone.
"Date?" My face lights up and I rub my cheeks.
I didn't bring my nice clothes with me though...
Jack walks to me, I haven't seen him in forever, "So a date? With offender?"
"Yeah but I don't have any nice clothes, they're all at home."
"I can take you there if you like."
"Wait really?"
"Yeah anything for a teammate."
"Teammate....this is weird..."
"You'll get use to it." He grabs my arm and teleports.
We were now in my apartment the black and white clown examines my apartment.
"Nice place..."
"Thank you." I walk to my room and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
My hair was almost completely black my complexion is pale.
I sigh and look thru my clothes, what would be perfect for a date.
I let out a loud groan.
"Can't find anything?" Jack commented.
"No no I can't..."
"What are you looking for to wear?"
"I don't know...."
I search my wardrobes while I listened to Jack messes with something.
"Here try this?"
He holds out an outfit and I look at him then the outfit.
"You...made this?"
"Duh who else would?"
I take it, "Well thank you." I close my door and get dress then I look at myself in the mirror.

The sleeves were long, all the way to my fingertips and some

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The sleeves were long, all the way to my fingertips and some. It was a seaweed green. The scarf was so poofy it covers some of my face. And tight skinny jeans match it. How did he make the boots I thought. Wow this is amazing!
"Thank you LJ."
"Yeah whatever I got to go terrorize some kids." And poof he gone.
I look at the clock, 40 minutes until I have to be there.
I step out of my apartment and lock my door. There was a few letters on my door, I pull them off and skim thru them...Tyler. Mostly insults then one scared me the first it was insults then it slowly turn into death insults. Threatening my life.
Why can't he just leave me alone...I crush the note and throw it on the ground as I took a step forward I step on something soft.
I look down at the ground, red rose petals.
I smile knowing it was Smexy.
I follow the petals, he's such a weirdo.
I'll admit I fell in love with him, he may have killed and rape but maybe he'll change.
Soon I was out of my apartment complex and on the move, the petals lead me thru town once and awhile whole roses were in the petals.
He's so charming he really knows his way of getting girls.
The petals stops in the middle of a bridge I've never seen before.
I look around for him wondering where he was, maybe he was getting something. I also thought we were meeting up in the woods.
I shrug maybe a change of plans?
I lean against the bridge railing looking at the flowing stream. The sound was so calm and beautiful, I saw little colorful fishes swim around carelessly.
"So you did come. You're that gullible."

Offender POV
The candles were set so were the roses. I'm so excited I've never felt this way with the other women. She made me so happy she is adorable and sassy.
I gotta say never been this nervous ether. I look on my phone to see what time.
She can be here any minute. I plop myself down.
Any minute.
Any minute...
Where is she?
I stood up, the candles were all burnt out and diminish.
I start to walk trying to find her scent thinking she might've got lost, I inhale the air.
Maybe she's in town I thought as I disappear and reappear. Immediately I caught her scent.
Quickly I follow it.
"Y/N?" I look around trying not to get too much attention.
"Oh Y/N?"
I step on a flower.
A rose path? Is this her doing? Smooth Y/N~ I see what your dropping down~
I smirk to myself, I think we're about to pull a Netflix and Chill~ with out Netflix~
I follow the petals faster being the impatient asshole I am.
The petal path cut off and stop. I cock my head.
I don't understand what this is now.
That's it the end of the path....something isn't right. I smell the air for her scent. I did get her scent but I got someone else's, I follow it quickly thinking it might be Zalgo or she's being played.
I start to hear a faint male voice, attacking my attention.
My light jog turns into a full on run.
I stop when I saw Y/N on the ground on a stranglehold but her thighs were criss cross the males neck. She was trying to get him off by taking his air away and making him pass out.
By the looks of it she might be winning. After all legs are a lot stronger than arms. I lean on the stone bridge and summoned a cigar to smoke.
"Just kill him already Y/N~"
The male turns his gaze loosing his concentration.
"Hi~ you might wanna-"
The male flops on her breast lifelessly.
"You look like your about to fuck a dead body~"
"....I killed him....holy shit!" She unwraps her legs from the neck of the body and shoves it to the side. Then she shivers, "Jesus Christ! I killed Tyler!"
"That was Tyler~? I thought he was over you."
"He's been stalking me..." She stands and kicks the body. "Asshole!"
Damn that was hot~!
"I'm a little jealous that you didn't pull that trick on me yet~" I wink.
"Really? We haven't even had sex yet...and you want me to break your neck too?" She cocks her head while dragging the body and tossing it over the bridge.
"I can change that~!" I give her a Lenny face.
She giggles a little, "Weirdo."
"What even happened?"

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now