Chapter 3

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Offender POV
So the Bar hmm? Perfect place, heh too easy. All I have to do is wait for her to get boozed up and take the red one~ Or blue ether way I'll enjoy it~ Simple really.
I shift my looks into my human form to blend in at least a little bit. I look thru a store glass window to check myself out. My hair was silver and short, my eyes were a dark purple then top it off my smirk was devious. My teeth look partly normal besides my K9s I guess.
I look fine~ I though to myself as I mangled my hair around while putting my hat back on and tipping in low to try keep myself mysterious to Y/N.
That'll get her interest.
As soon as I step one foot into the bar a blast of music and the smell of alcohol hits me and everyone stares, well mostly the Females. I scan the room looking for Y/N and her best friend, they're not here yet.
I walk slowly to the back of the bar listening to the music boom and beat my ear drums. I might as well have a few drinks to entertain myself, I though as one of the waitresses walk by me. I slip one of the wine glasses and drink.
After a few moments of drinking a few drinks I hear the bell of the door jingle thru the blasting music.
And there she was...the beautiful rose out of the wilted ones. Her H/L H/C matched really well, the dress made her E/C eyes pop. The dress made every curve show, heh sexy. Her friend was dragging her around on her left arm.
I bite my tongue down hard, I gave her the dress to her look appealing to me....Well it's hella working. A smirk grew on my face. I lean on the wall and look off while sipping my red grape wine.
"Show time~"

It was too loud and the booze in the air was so strong where it made me choke on the spit in the back of my throat.
"Two shots!" B/N yells towards the bartender.
"Water for me actually..." I added to B/N sentence.
The bartender nods and walks away, B/N looks dead at me. "Come on get a few drinks at least! You know enough to get a man~"
"I was thinking I head home after an hour or two actually I don't wanna do the deed tonight."
She groans, "Y/N Tyler is gone! He's donezo! Meaning no more abusive asshole! It's been a year."
"Here you are ladies." The bartender slides the drinks to us. I took my water and shook my head to her.
"B/N....he's been spamming me for the past year..."
"What?! Why didn't you tell me??!"
"Because I need to handle it on my own."
"Girl get a restraining order on his ass!"
"I know...but he stopped a month ago..." I went shy.
"Y/N...imma go get drunk and party and hopefully fucked. You can go home if you'd like." After that she walks away with the two shots.
I look around shyness taking over.
Sighing I head for the door, just as my finger touches the handle I felt something grab my arm and pull me back.
"Y/N!" I jerk my head to see....Tyler...His golden blond hair was pulled back with gel his eyes gleaming blue. His smirk made me gag.
"Tyler...I told you stay away from me." I look away from him. But his hand crest my chin and lifts it to his face.
"Aww you know I don't listen just wanted to tell you I've moved on I've got a girlfriend and a house."
"Umm good for you I guess." I pry his dry grip from my arm.
"And I notice that your wearing a really revealing dress...your trying to hard Y/N~" I felt him tease in his voice.
"W-wha...I wasn't do this for you I was ju-"
He cuts me off, "Just crawling back right? Well as I said I've moved on."
Anger boils in my stomach, "I was actually about to leave Tyler and I forgot your dumbass!" I press my finger into his chest and push him back, "I never wanted to see you again in fact! You're an asshole! I hope your *Girl Friend* realizes it and you get left again." His face read shock and anger. I haven't notice I was yelling that entire sentence out until I saw everyone staring.
"Wow, you want me to call some anger management for you Y/N?" He chuckles.
I clutch my fist, "No...but want me to call the plastic surgeons to tell them that Enlargement didn't work out too well~?" I wink at him and walk out leaving the entire bar thundering with laughs.
Tonight can't get any worse.

The song is not mine!!! Also I hope your enjoying this!

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora