Chapter 41: Ricin Flower

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Volume II: Summer


"Pick the ones with no green on them. Like this one." Neo showed Aurelion his own harvest of Lunar Lantern Flowers and indicated where they were on the bush.

The two brothers were in Alouysia's Sanctuary, otherwise known as the Odum Glasshouse. In the spirit of "brotherly bonding," Neo decided it was a good day to educate Aurelion on poisonous and medical herbs to prepare him for the coming future.

Aurelion had been a constant victim of poisoning events since he turned sixteen. Nazareth stopped poisoning him ages ago, but several other villainous characters showed up later on to test the love between him and Sutton.

(One would think Aurelion might be more mindful of poisoning attacks when living under the same roof as Nazareth, but it looked like he only built the immunity for some poisons and not the vigilance.)

Neo guided his brother's hand toward one particular lantern flower and demonstrated how to clip it off.

"Be careful of the thorns. One prick and I will need to send you to a healer for a swollen hand."


Aurelion brought the clippers down and caught the flower in a basket.

"Good." Neo praised him with a small smile. "The nectar of the flower has a numbing effect. Consume it now, and you will be asleep for days. I will use this flower for Julius' salve and any basic healing cream."

"What if you ingest the cream?"

"... The heat of the brewing will make it safe to consume in small doses. You will not be able to build immunity to this flower by ingesting it in that form."


Here was another issue about Aurelion that Neo was starting to notice. His little brother seemed to think he was learning to build immunity against poisons.

An admirable feat, but impossible if you were not a Peregrine.

Not even their Uncle Malark was resistant to all the poison plants he raised, and while Neo was immune to some poisons, they were the basic ones that could be easily bought on the black market.

Aurelion's naivety was cute, but Neo did not hesitate to crush his expectations.

"I'll teach you how to detect them in foods and drinks, so instead of consuming something you shouldn't and suffering the consequences, you will know beforehand and prevent yourself a trip to the healing wards."

"... Fine."

Victory for now.

"We will move on to the Horse Hemlock. You will hold the basket and I will harvest. Make sure not to let the leaves touch your skin, or I will need to bring you to the healer for a toxic rash..."


Neo fiddled with the Cloud Mark talisman in his hand while he watched Rainier work.

They were in his laboratory. Rainier was cleaning the lab tables and the remnants of his current project.

It had been nearly two weeks since Neo made the Cloud Mark.

He planned to test it on himself soon, but Rainier was evading the conversation whenever he tried to bring it up.

Neo didn't see why. His magic reserves were nearly recovered. It was enough for the Cloud Mark.

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