Chapter 24: Letters

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Edited by: bafflinghaze


Aurelion was sitting in his office when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal Rainier holding a plethora of letters in his hands.

He wordlessly put his pen down.

"Were these discarded as well?" he asked.

Rainier nodded.

"Who are they from?"

"Most were from the Moores. Some were written by the heir of the Dartmouth family."

He looked through the opened letters. Most of the content was repetitive, if not the same. Judging by the dates, both writers initially believed the letters were either lost in the mail or taken. A few attempts at coded writing could be seen, before the tones of the letters became more demanding and, dare he say, worried.

"What of Elysium? Is my brother still in contact with him?"

"... We haven't received a response from him, yet."

"Had he looked at them?" Aurelion gestured to the letters meaningfully.

Rainier shook his head. "No. He had ordered them to be thrown out."

"Go burn them."

"As you wish, Master Aurelion."

Rainier took the letters away, leaving him in his office.

Aurelion tapped his pen against his work. His father had ordered him to investigate some missing livestock in the southern villages. He must be doing something wrong, seeing as his informant claimed the stolen livestock were being used for an underground cattle fighting ring.

Frustrated by the lack of success his connections had with their findings, Aurelion turned his attention to some of the other letters his brother had originally received.

He had kept the first dozen, believing it would help him understand his brother more.

Despite his initial assumptions, the people Nazareth had ties with were... not as crazy as he had been led to assume. Aurelion had expected them to be more... cruel, perhaps? More arrogant and rude? The letters were very polite and courteous, if not filled with concern about his brother's wellbeing. He hadn't expected anything like that, especially with all the rumors surrounding the unknown group his brother had formed.

Dartmouth seemed to practically idolize his older brother. Annoyance had surged in Aurelion's heart when he saw how the boy addressed him. He almost wanted to write a letter back to tell the other to back off.

Moores was the textbook definition of a properly polite individual. Most of his initial letters were identical to one another, but the more recent ones had started to take on a pattern of unease. Aurelion didn't think there was anything wrong with his letters, but he did feel bad for him.

What was it like being ignored by his brother?

Aurelion wouldn't know. From the very beginning, Nazareth had always been the one bothering him with his schemes and tricks.

Since a month ago, after he cut his hair, he had been speaking to Aurelion like a normal sibling.

He couldn't figure out what caused the change, but he hadn't been ganged up, kidnapped (except for that one time with the Titty guy), or drugged.

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