Chapter 30: Infirmary

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This chapter is brought to you by Euphoria by Jungkook.

Edited by: bafflinghaze


Two boys found themselves lying on the ground with eyes glazed over and unseeing.

They were obviously incapacitated, though they couldn't remember how they got there.

Neo stared at the bodies of Lester and Serian with a wooden face. Though he hadn't concussed either of them, they still needed to go to the school nurse for a check-up.

Thankfully, he still had the modified pepper spray powder he previously stole from the thief who tried to rob Royce's store on him. He turned it into a stunning powder with some numbing agent and low-tier sedatives.

Neo was supposed to test the powder after school, but the two brats staring at the sky listlessly had ended up testing his patience.

They were so distracted with their fighting that they couldn't react in time when Neo threw a fistful of the powder at both of them.

Their... initial screaming might have been warranted. As much as Lester trusted him or Serian liked him, he didn't think anyone had forgotten his rather abysmal reputation for poisoning people.

The boys might be a little... stoned, for the time being, but it should be fine.

They should be grateful he didn't knock them out with the sleeping draught.

There was nothing poisonous in the powder and neither of them looked like they had any severe allergies.

Well, it was too late to regret his actions, now.

Neo was more worried about the bruises he had accidentally landed on their torsos when he tried to get them to stop.

Their fighting had triggered some of the innate volatile instincts he still had...

It took ten minutes for the boys to "wake up."

Lester was the first to recover from the powder's effect, while seconds later, Serian also sat up.

Not a moment later, they seemingly realized what had happened and both refused to look at one another, scowling petulantly like two guilty delinquents as they nursed the injuries they inflicted on each other—and the ones Neo inflicted on them by accident.



Neo was deeply unamused.

He was the adult, he reminded himself.

Serian and Lester were both injured, and although there were only scrapes and bruises, they still needed to get cleaned up.

Neo also needed to make sure neither of them had a bad reaction to the powder.

"We're going to the infirmary," he said. "Don't fight."

Neo stared at them intensely, his vermillion eyes looking positively livid.


Foreseeing violence in their future if they didn't shut the hell up, Lester and Serian quickly nodded their heads and followed the older boy into the school like obedient little ducklings.

The infirmary was empty when they arrived.

For some reason, the nurse was always disappearing to who knows where. He sometimes doubted the school even had a nurse.

Neo had Serian and Lester by the infirmary bed and went to look for some gauze.

"Behave," he ordered, before disappearing into the supply closet.

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