Chapter 11: Professor

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This chapter is brought to you by Bong Hwan A by Norazo.

Edited by: bafflingh


The rumors had spread like wildfire, from the front gates of the school to all four corners of the Academy. Soon, every student who cared for the actions of the Odum Family knew.

Nazareth Odum had cut his hair and was acting strangely.

"He... He smiled..." A female student who had witnessed the entire scene at the entrance of the school spoke with disbelief clouding her voice.

"Impossible!" someone hissed. "Odums don't smile!"

"You weren't there!" The first gossiper sneered, and then added in a lowered voice, "I think he snapped."

In another classroom, there was a group of First Year Seniors huddled in the very back of the room. Anyone with a good set of ears could hear them as they whispered to one another.

"You know, he looks disturbingly similar to the other two Odums without all that hair covering his face..." one of them commented, before looking over his shoulder, as if paranoid that the notorious Scummy Troublemaker would be standing right behind him.

His friend grimaced at this statement. "I was hoping he was adopted..."

"He's a bastard," a female student pointed out. She'd been passing by their desks and felt the need to repeat this well-known information as if they were hearing it for the first time.

The friend scowled. "I assumed it was just an excuse to put him here!"


The moment Neo entered the classroom with his companions, he could feel the gazes of his classmates scrutinizing him like a wild and rabid animal.

The looks were discreet, of course. No one looked at him directly or had the courage to. They were peeking at him from the side and mumbling under their breaths. The atmosphere was strangely quiet, a buzzing tension heightening with each second.

Neo's face distorted slightly. He didn't think words would travel so quickly.

The shift in his expression had unknowingly made him appear even more unapproachable and frightening, but the youth was oblivious as he made his way over to his seat.

Tybalt and Finneas followed after him closely, each boy standing on each side of him.

It suddenly occurred to him that this formation was rather similar to a certain trio of children consisting of two goons and a blonde brat from a book he read about some wizard boy going to some wizard school.

The book had been filled with numerous irresponsible adults. They were the primary reasons why many of the students in the story had to bear arms. The main villain was a megalomaniac who wanted to take over the world—and children were the ultimate obstacles that got in his way.

The book had so many adults failing at being adults.

Adults in an educational setting.

It was incompetence at its finest.

Neo didn't acknowledge the whispers growing louder as he passed the other students. It was a bold move, but they were clearly testing the waters.

If this had happened before, he might have snapped and threatened bodily harm.

In the past, he had always kept his classmates in check. From the way he held himself, like a starved beast awaiting a meal, his presence had terrified them into submission, in fear that he could make them disappear.

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