Chapter 21: Just not in the way you think

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"Ha! I win!", I exclaimed before doing a little victory dance on my seat.

"Ahh! No way Harp! This is cheating!!", Will groaned.

"Don't be a sore loser William", I chuckled maliciously.

"Both of you stop!!", Kenzie exclaimed from the couch. I looked over to the couch to see a very sad scene, Cody and Liv leaning against each other as they stared into oblivion and Daniel playing with Kenzie's hair as she lay down on his lap.

"What?", I asked.

"Harper we've played Uno like A HUNDRED TIMES!!", she whined, "Let's do something else!!",

"Like what? Will forgot to bring the board games like the dumbfuck that he is", I replied as I stacked the Uno cards together.

"Hey!", Will protested.

"Not board games, we aren't eight anymore, let's do something fuuuunnnn!!", she whined again.

"We have nothing to do Kenzie! If your brain manages to think something up, please do enlighten me", I got up, shaking my tingly and sore legs.

"Hey does anyone hear that?", Liv asked, snapping out of her trance.

"Hear what?", Cody asked.

"Hey Will, turn down the music", Liv said as she scrunched up her face in concentration.

Will turned off the music from his phone and we all listened quietly. I could hear it. A booming noise, faint, but prominent.

"That sounds like music, which could only mean..",

"A PARTY!!!", Kenzie jumped off the couch like she'd been electrocuted, "THAT WE NEED TO CRASH",

"But what if it's a party full of druggies and-", Kenzie clamped her hand over my mouth.

"Shut up", she said, grinning like a psychopath. I did the safe thing. I shut up.

"Boys go get ready!", she exclaimed, "We have a party to crash", she dragged me and Liv up the stairs with her to change.

"Okay", she shut the door behind her, "To this party, we have to put you in the best dress we can find", Kenzie said jumpily.

"Why me?", I asked.

"Becaaauuusee, Kenzie has Daniel and I have Cody and now we have to make that dumb boy realize that you're the one he likes", Liv said.

"So in case of an emergency situation, I had a bunch of dresses packed", Kenzie layed down the dresses on the bed, "Harper, this is yours, go get changed",

"Whoa, I'm not wearing that", I retorted.

Kenzie's face snapped in my direction. Her lips curled up into a snarl which matched the crazy look in her eyes. I gulped in fear.

"You were saying?", she asked in a threatening tone.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing, you're right Kenz, you're a-always right", I grabbed the dress and rushed into the bathroom, feeling her evil eyes on my back as I did.


"And we're done!", Liv exclaimed as she finished curling my hair.

"And we're done!", Liv exclaimed as she finished curling my hair

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