Bonus Chapter #4: Married Life

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I hummed as I shaved my legs, sitting on the edge of the bathtub in a bathrobe.

"It's 7 in the morning, and you're at it once again", Will chuckled as he sauntered in, "Don't you get tired of this?",

"Not looking like a direct descendant of Bigfoot?", I replied, "No not really",

"I don't mind your unshaved legs", He remarked.

"You've never seen them is why you don't mind them",

"That's not true, they were unshaved last night", he protested.

"That was stubble, sweetie", I pecked his cheek as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Aren't they the same thing?!", He called out.

The struggles of being a woman is something that is beyond my husband's understanding.

Our dog, Ruby, jumped into my line of vision, nuzzling me while pawing at my feet.

"Morning Rubes", I picked him up, allowing him to lick my face affectionately, as I rummaged through the closet for my outfit for the day.

"Aye aye, no, this is not allowed", Will snatched Ruby from me, and held him at eye level, "Rubes, I love you, but let's get something straight, Harper is my woman kay?",

What an idiot.

Ruby cocked his head to the side, as if trying to figure out what Will was saying. Then, he leaned over and licked his nose.

"Glad we could come to negotiation", He held Ruby to his chest, cuddling him and showering him with kisses.

"It's more like Ruby's trying to steal my man", I mumbled.

"No way!", Will exclaimed, "You swing that way Rubes? Nah, he doesn't, Ruby's a lady's man",

I ignored Will, since he's always a little loopy in the morning, and changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a crop top. I scrutinized myself in the mirror, noticing that I was putting on a little weight. I was also a little sad nowadays, maybe it was because of work stress.

"Why are you eyeing yourself?", Will stood beside me, squishing my cheeks and turning my head to him, he stared in to my eyes, "Eye me! Look at me woman!",

"I look at you enough", I slapped his hands away.

He slipped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong? You're pouty",

"I just....I look a little fatter",


"I haven't been feeling really well recently, I feel....kinda down", I placed a hand on his cheek, retracting into his embrace.

" wanna see a doctor?", he asked, "I work with one called Dr. Sophie Hayward, she's really good, I can get you an appointment",

"That would be good", I mumbled slowly, "Now I need to get to work, the magazine needs a new format and I've been procrastinating",

I slipped out of his embrace and walked towards the door when Will pulled me back by the elbow.

Enveloping my lips with his, he smiled into the kiss.

"I love you", He mumbled, "So much",

"I love you more",

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