What do you wanna ask the characters???

6.4K 112 31

Okay Wilpers.

15K more to go until we reach an official 100K!!!!

Now is the moment!

Start sending in your questions!!!

For me, or any of our beloved TLRI characters!!! Private message or on this chapter! It doesn't matter!!!

Just do it!!! (Not promoting Nike there)

I'll be accepting all questions until the story reaches a 100K so you guys have plenty of time!! But just until 100K! Thats all the time you get!

I won't be accepting any questions after that!!

So hurry hurry hurrryyyyy!!!

And PS you can choose to be mentioned  along with your question so lemme knooowww!!!!

The Locker Room IncidentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora