Bonus chapter#5: Figure it out yourself.

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My phone started buzzing noisily at 3 in the morning. Will had an overnight shift, so of course I couldn't expect him to pick it up because I was too lazy to move my limbs.

"Hello?", I replied groggily.

"Harper? Hi, it's Doctor Sophie", a voice chirped from the other side, "I'm sorry for waking you, but this kind of important",

"Is Will alright?", My eyes shot open.

"Oh no, it's not about Will", she reassured and my eyes drooped close once again, "It's actually about your last checkup with me",

"What about it?",

"There's no easy way to say this but umm......", she chuckled nervously, "You're pregnant",

A jolt of electricity seemed to have shot through my body as I jerked upright in my bed. Every nerve in my body was awake with energy and sleep seemed to be the last thing on my bed.

"WHAT?!", I yelped, "But wh- how the- oh my god- hmm-rushurebutwhtthehell?",

"Harper", Sophie sounded like she was trying not to laugh, "Relax okay?",

"BUT WHY DON'T I REMEMBER HOW TO?!?!", I exclaimed, "Oh my god, what about Will? I have to tell Will? Will needs to know? Did you tell Will?",

"No Harper", Sophie chuckled, "I didn't tell Will",

"Oh thank goodne- no wait...NOW I HAVE TO TELL HIM?",

"Yes, I'm sure that's how it works", She replied.

Oh holy mother of a pregnant cow.

"But how do I tell him!?", I groaned.

"I don't know, but you better figure it out soon, because his shift ended early tonight", She said, "And he's probably on his way home now",


"Babe?", Will switched on the lights, illuminating the room, revealing me sitting cross legged on the edge of the bed, "Why are you still awake?",

I nervously bit on my nails, rocking back and forth like the creepy dolls in rocking chairs.

"Harp?", He knelt down in front of me", staring up at me.


"You alright?",

"Of course", I chirped, "I'm fine, I fwine, fwiney fine finey",

"Something's definitely wrong, what's wrong?",

"Nooooo-oo-oo, no I'm fine great amazing excellent splendid exquisite astounding breathtak- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!",

Will lifted me up from the bed bridal style, spinning me around in his arms.

"LET ME DOWN!", I screamed.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong?",

"Will, I'm serious", I said shakily, worried for the extra life forming in my uterus, "Put me down",

"Okay", his face softened with a small smile.

Thank god.

Suddenly, he let go of me. A shrill scream escaped my lips as he caught me in midair.

"WILLIAM!", I shrieked in fear.

"Should I let you go Harper?", He grinned maliciously, letting me go again before catching me in midair.

"William, please just let go!!", I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, holding on for the two lives I was caring for.

"Tell me what's wrong then!",


"10 seconds before I drop you", He caught me in midair again.


"6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-",


Will face went slack as he gave me a bewildered stare.

"Will?", I mumbled as he placed me down gently on the mattress.

I observed as he stood in front of me, his mouth occasionally opening and closing, as if he had forgotten what he was going to say.

"You want me to abort it don't you?", I sighed.

His face snapped in my direction, "WHAT?!",

"You told me you didn't want a kid now", I sniffled as I felt the tears prickling my eyes, "Because you just started working and so did I, and we have enough money, but we're just not mentally ready to be parents want me to abort it now right?",

Tears travelled down my neck as Will kneeled down in front of me, resting his palms on my knees.

"Are you insane?", He stared at me blankly.

"What do you mean?",

"In there", he pointed at my belly, "Is our baby, my baby, I'm going to become a father, and you think I want to get rid of my child?",

His eyes were glossy with tears now.

"So I don't have to-",

"No. Absolutely not Harp. No way are you doing anything like that", he kissed my hands, "I don't care if I'm not ready, I'll get myself to be ready for our baby, I'll be ready to be a dad, I'll be the best dad in the world!",

He hugged me tightly, showering me with kisses.

"This is the best day of my life Harp, we're gonna be parents", He wiped at the tears that had started pouring out of his bloodshot eyes,

He pressed his forehead against my abdomen.

"I don't know if you can hear me, or understand me", he whispered, "But I love you, we both love you, so damn much, I'll be waiting for you champ",

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