C H A P T E R 11

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She put a bow into her hair, making sure she looked presentable enough for her father. Her mother couldn't see exactly what was wrong with her damn husband, but at least they were getting divorced.

"Y/n someone is here to see you!" Her mother yelled from downstairs. The girl quirked a brow and headed downstairs. It was a man dressed in a suit, holding a suitcase. He seemed intimidating.

"Hello Y/n L/n, my name is Nathaniel Switz, big time manager of countless singers. I see lots of potential in you already. Do you mind if I come in?" Y/n smiled and looked towards her mother, who had a frown on her face.


"Please come in." Her mother gave Y/n a look of disappointment, though this time in a long time, Y/n didn't care. She was getting serious about her music, whether her mother liked it or not.


"Okay remind me to take the cake out because I will forget due to my oh so dear ADHD." Y/n shut the oven door and walked over to her phone, turning off the video.

"Oh shit I forgot to take my pills!" Hoodie smiled as he watched her run up the stairs and into her room. He put his hands into his pockets, his smile falling soon enough. The male had fun, he wouldn't lie about that. He got to know Y/n better, so that was pretty cool.

'I'm going to get attached, aren't I?'

"So...Wanna eat the left over cake batter?" The girl asked awkwardly, sitting on the counter. Hoodie shrugged and lifted his mask up just enough so he was able to eat, the only part of his face showing was from his chin to right on the point of his nose.

'Crap crap crap he has a stubble holy shit-'

Y/n blinked rapidly and licked her finger. She savored the taste of raw cake batter, knowing just how bad this could be for her body.

Her phone ringed once again and Y/n groaned, picking it up.

"Hello Y/n L/n speaking."

"Y/n hey it's me Nathaniel, I'm coming over in 15 minutes."

The girl gave a confused look.

"You can't just come over whenever you feel like it. Give me an hour."

"*Groan* Fine, just know I'm coming." And with that, the phone went dead and Y/n looked as if she were going to have a fit.

"One day without this shit is all I fucking ask." Y/n rubbed her temples and jumped off the counter, walked up the stairs, and into her room. Hoodie was left in the kitchen, confused as ever.

"Hey Y/n you can't just storm out of a kitchen and expect all your problems to go away!"

"Give me two minutes! I have to go change into something appropriate!" The girl yelled back to him. He could hear her shuffling things in her closet. Sighing, the male put the dishes into the sink, only to realize just how many dishes there were.

"Nope. That isn't my mess. She can do them herself. I'm not going to do them."


Y/n came down the stairs, wearing an outfit much more suitable for seeing their manager.

"Hey Hoodie- Why are you doing the dishes?"

"I'm not doing them. I'm merely cleaning away the stains." Y/n gave him a confused look, then averted her gaze toward the cake that was now on the counter, cooling off.

"You know that's great and all but you do realize you could've just put them into the dish washer right?" Hoodie turned off the sink after finishing the last dish, staring at her, seemingly annoyed.

PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEWhere stories live. Discover now