C H A P T E R 30

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There it was again. The Darkness. But this time, it was more comforting.

"If I did everything right, this should work." A random voice said. It was one of a young girl.

"Oh I hope this works. If dad finds out he'll kill me-" A small child emerged from the darkness. She had horns on her head and long hair.

"It worked!! Haha, take that father!" She cheered, jumping in the air.

"Who-who are you?" Y/n asked. Her voice was raspy and would time to time cut off words.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is Lazari! It's nice to meet you!" She greeted, twirling around. Y/n smiled at her mannerism.

"He-o Lazar-i, I'm Y-" Y/n said. Why did her voice keep getting cut off.

"I'm pretty new to this whole magic thing, so you're voice might be like that for the time being. Sorry about that!" Lazari explained, a small frown appearing on her face.

"N-no problem. Wh- am I he-re?"

"Well do you know of anyone named Zalgo?" Y/n's eyes widened. It was the demon that saw her earlier this morning.

"I'm guessing you do. That's my father. Now Don't worry, I'm not putting you through the same thing he did. I'm going to help you!" Y/n quirked a brow. Was she really in need of saving?

"Now, it's been a couple of hours so you should probably wake up. It isn't safe being here for too long." Y/n looked at her confused.

"Demon world time is faster than human world time. Also it took a long time setting this up."

"Oh, wh-n will I-I see you ag-ain?" Y/n asked.

"When you wake up there will be a teddy bear next to you. Click on the paw anytime you need to talk to me!" She yelled out. The darkness began to fade slowly, and she was going back into the human realm.

Y/n woke up with a yawn, still remembering the things that had happened when she was sleeping. Looking to her side, Y/n saw a small reddy bear. It was red with a big black bow on it. Y/n smiled and tucked it into her bed sheets: She'd be sure to sew some clothes for the bear later.

Getting off the bed, the girl stretched and looked down at her clothes. Fortunately, she had wiped off her make up before they set up the prank, so now she just needed to change into pajamas.

Opening her closet, Y/n picked out a baggy hoodie and grey sweatpants. She didn't even plan on wearing a shirt underneath because fuck that.

When done changing, Y/n went down the stairs, expecting that the four had left the house. But they didn't, or at least she'd hope they didn't because the loud arguing in the living room was concerning.

"You guys are still here?" Y/n yawned out, trying to run the sleep out of her eyes.

"Shut up we're having a really important discussion." Masky said,going back to arguing with Toby. Hoodie and Nightmare were laughing uncontrollably.


They had kissed today. Y/n enjoyed it, but did he? Did he think anything of it? Would they still be friends? I mean the kiss wasn't that long ago. What time was it anyways?

Taking out her phone from her pocket, Y/n widened her eyes. It was 2 in the morning. How long was she out for?

"Do you guys just not sleep?!"

"Well the buh-bees just don't want to be kept in concentration camps! You should be more like the wuh-woman!"

"Toby, the only reason the woman even fought for the bees is because she wanted to fuck one!" Masky replied angrily. Y/n didn't even need a second to realize what movie they were talking about.

"Y'all are fucking ridiculous." The girl said before going into the kitchen to get something to eat. She didn't have anything for lunch, so instant noodles for a midnight meal it is.

Putting the cup into the microwave, Y/n sat on her kitchen island, turning her phone on.

Hey stepstool

Hey Mommy
Can you not call me that?

How long was I asleep for?

Well you went to sleep at like 7, and it's 2 now, so... 8 hours.

Well there goes my sleep schedule.

The microwave beeped, indicating that Y/n's noodles were ready. She took them out of the microwave and grabbed a fork, then sat on the kitchen island once more. She'll probably end up staying up again after this. After all, the female did have one hell of a nap.

Brian came into the kitchen, sitting next to Y/n. She smiled at him and turned her chair to face him, still eating the noodles.

"So, how's your noodles?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.

"They're hot, but good. Want a bite?" She asked, nudging the fork in his direction. Brian moved his body forward, opening his mouth for him to feed him. He closed his mouth around the fork, savouring the taste of the noodles.

Y/n retracted the fork from his mouth, then out it back into the noodles again. She twirled it around before putting the utensil into her mouth, not breaking eye contact once.

"It's...good." Brian simply stated. Y/n hummed and they both fell silent.

"I'm taking you out killing tomorrow." Brian said, cutting the silence between them.


"That's it? Cool? You used to be so scared of going."

"Well yeah, but I've gotten used to it. Oh speaking of murder," Y/n paused, taking the last bite from the cup. "I got an appointment to go see my dad next week."

"How does that relate to murder in anyway?" Hoodie asked, a slight laugh in his voice.

"Because I want to murder him." She replied shortly.

"So do it." Y/n laughed, thinking he was joking. She was going to respond when her phone started ringing.

"Who the fuck is calling me at 2 in the morning?" The girl mumbled, answering the call.


"Y/n our house is on fire." The female's mom yelled through the phone. Sirens and crackling was heard from the other end.

"Holy- shit, ok I'll be there in ten minutes. Oh my ___." Y/n turned her phone off and bolted up the stairs,grabbing her keys and putting her shoes on.

"Wuh-What is going on?" Toby asked, seeing Y/n rush around.

"My mom's house is on fire. I'll text you if anything happens." She said before running out the house and into her car. The proxies stayed silent, before Masky spoke up.

"Bad thing that happened, Number one."

. . .




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