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"Your dad is quiet the demon...huh?" Y/n sighed out, running a hand through her hair. Lazari filled her in on all that her dad has done, to previous victim, and likely future ones.

"Yeah..." Lazari mumbled. The 18 year old turned her gaze to Sally, examining her features.

"So what exactly do you have to do with this? Are you related to him too?" Sally's green eyes glinted when she was spoken too. She shook her head, clutching Mr.Death harder.

"Definitely not, I just know er... people, who don't like him very much. It's best you don't know too much about where I come from." Y/n nodded. sitting up.

"So... since you're a ghost, can you go invisible?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood. The green eyed ghost's eyes sparkled at the question, slightly floating in the air.

"I can choose who I reveal myself to. Unless the other person is a ghost too, I can basically stay hidden from everyone!" She exclaimed, twirling around in the ar. Y/n giggled at her childish mannerism.

"I can also turn other people invisible along with me for some time before they go back to being... un-invisible?" Y/n thought for a minute, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Is there any telling when someone is a ghost or if they're human?"

"Well not really. Some ghosts, unlike me, are materialized ghosts. They hold forms of other things that don't look like them at all. That's one way you can tell. Oh! Some ghosts, like me, choose to show their scars from when they died. It's usually when we can't pass on from our pasts does it happen. Others look exactly like humans, though. A lot like someone I know!" She rambled. Y/n listened to every word the girl said. It was quite possible that someone she could have known was a ghost. Would it be a problem though?

Lazari yawned, stretching herself out on the bed. Sally lowered herself back down onto the bed, laying down as well.

"You guys seem tired, you should probably head back ho- to your house." They both nodded and Y/n said her goodbyes to the both of them. She realized Hoodie texted her back, and was coming by in a little bit. That made her excited.

Y/n had a huge crush on him, and it was obvious he had one on her too. Well, unless he was faking it just to put her into a false sense security and then kill her.

But he wouldn't do that on purpose, would he?

She set out the gloves she once stole on her nightstand, ready for him to take at anytime. To pass time, she scrolled through twitter, laughing at the stupidest things.

Two small thuds indicated Brian had arrived, and Y/n opened the window to let him in.

"Hey stepstool!"

"Hey Y/n..." She grabbed his hand once he got in, letting him inside. He tensed for a second, his heart thumping loudly.

'The fuck is wrong with him?'

Y/n let him into her closet, spinning herself around to face him. He had a dark blush on his face, to which she pretended not to see for his sake.

"So what do you think I should wear?"


When Y/n exited the bathroom, she was definitely not expecting Brian to be covering half of his face with his hoodie. Why was he shying away so suddenly? Why was he so flustered? It was cute, she wasn't going to lie.

"Are you ok?" She asked, looking at him. He looked back at her, letting the hoodie drop back to his torso.

"Yup, just great!" His voice cracked due to being so flustered, making Y/n giggle. She asked him his opinion on her outfit, to which he nodded quickly. He was obviously hiding something. The girl decided to tease him just a bit more. Y'know, to get at him for all the times he teased her.

"Are you feeling well? Your cheeks seem to be red." The female got up close to him, resting a hand on his face. The blood rush only strengthened, making Y/n's hand feel hot.

"Ouch, your face is burning! I think your sick!" Y/n feigned worry, choking back a laugh.

"I really doubt that Y/n. It's just hot in here." Y/n quirked her head to the side, giving him a confused look.

'Well no shit it's hot in here for you, you're a literal mess right now.'

She shrugged her shoulders and went into the bathroom to change into her pajamas. Though the moment she closed the bathroom, she blew up in laughter. What a story that'll be for another day.


Y/n woke up early the next morning, having to go drop her parents off at the airport. It would finally be peaceful in the house once more. Well, as peaceful as it was with the new found friends she had.

"I'll see you two in a couple of weeks. And remember, try not to miss me too much." She joked. The exchanged simple goodbyes before they departed ways. Y/n let out a loud sigh, feeling a burden get lifted off her chest.

Now she had a couple hours to spare before the party, to which she would spend watching T.V. Hey, she had time all to herself, what more would she do?

30 minutes later Y/n arrived back to her house, flopping on her couch. She turned on her T.V, putting on something random to watch.


I'm watching a movie right now.

If I don't make it tell Masky that my last words were 'Tim's Gay'

That being said I'm going to assume you're ok.

Y/n heard her window open, and assuming it was Toby, didn't pay much mind to it.

"I-I'm here!" He yelled. Y/n hummed. Toby rummaged in the kitchen before coming into the living room. Y/n's eyes widened when seeing the state the brown haired boy was in.

"What the fuck?! Are you ok?!" She asked, motioning him into the bathroom. He was completely bloodied, gashes all over his body.

"Yuh-yeah, just got into a fight with a raccoon. I duh-didn't want to back down." He explained.

"You're such an idiot." She said as she started to treat his wounds.

"Yeah yeah, now tuh-tell me more about you and Brian."

. . .


Anyways if y'all haven't joined the cult yet, please do so.

Either the Cool Kids Cult (Readers/ followers) OR the Peg Brian 2021 Cult.



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