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Hello...Father." Y/n spat out bitterly. She was right in front of her father, the only thing separating them was a wall of glass.

"Y/n dear, it's been a while, hasn't it?" He cooed into the telephone. Y/n felt a shiver run up her spine. The man in front of her was terrible. He abused her mother consistently, and mentally scarred her.

"Don't call me dear."

"And why not? You are my child after all." A sinister smile appeared onto his face and Y/n tightened her grip on the telephone.

"You may be my father biologically, but if there's one thing I'm aware of it's that you'll never be my father emotionally. So go suck dick Asshole." Y/n slammed the telephone back into the stand and walked out the room, pushing past her mother and her boyfriend.


Y/n sat on the bed, scrolling through twitter on her secret account. It only had about 20 followers, and she, ironically, made it a Y/n hate page for shits and giggles. It was funny seeing so many people send her hate comments for hating herself, even going as far as death threats. Which, to her, was pretty fucking funny, knowing that none of them knew who she was.

She looked to see if she could find any of Hoodies social media accounts. This, however, was proved to be useless, as just searching up 'hoodie' was going to get them nowhere.

She sighed in frustration, as it was clear that she was getting nowhere. Logging into her main account, Y/n tweeted something slightly out of line, as she hadn't in a while. People often found her tweets 'shocking', but Y/n thought of it as an overstatement. If any one else that weren't famous tweeted something along the same lines, they'd have no one up there ass.

She sent the tweet and immediately people were replying to the tweet. She went back on her other account so her phone wouldn't explode due to the amount of notifications. Deciding to give it a couple of minutes or so before checking again, The girl went downstairs to get something to eat, preferably pizza bites.

"Hello, Y/n." Adam greeted her. He was sitting on the couch watching T.V. Y/n waved to him, going into the kitchen and putting out pizza bites onto a tray. She forgot to preheat the oven and groaned, going into the living room as she waited.

"So what are you watch-" Y/n got interrupted by her phone ringing. She looked at the name and it was her mother.

"It's mom, what do I do?" She looked to Adam. He pursed his lips, thinking of what to do.

"Pick up, but don't tell her I'm here." Y/n nodded and answered the phone.


"WHERE IS YOUR FATHER?" Y/n flinched at the yelling, taking the phone away from her ear.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't Play dumb with me Y/n L/n. He isn't home, so where else could he be."

"Mom, he isn't here! Maybe he went to the store to get some milk." Y/n joked, though made it so it didn't sound like it.

"I'm coming over in 15 minutes. You better not be lying." She hung the phone up and Y/n looked to Adam, shaking her head.

"You need to get out of this house right now or else she's going to kill us both."


A shocked expression washed over her face, the bright screen illuminating in front of her.

If someone told Y/n a year ago that a celebrity was hitting them up in their DM's, she'd have laughed at them.

@ justinjustout:
Hey, are you the Earth cus you're on fire.

A laugh escaped her mouth, the cheesy pickup line clearly amusing her. Y/n realized she'd been staring at the text for way too long, and decided to type out a response.

@ whoisY/n
That was terrible dude

Exiting out the app, Y/n looked up his name on safari, deciding that thoroughly knowing him would be best before continuing on the conversation.

The smile on her face quickly disappeared from her face, replaced by a frown. Immediately upon searching his name, criminal charges of drunk driving and petty theft appeared. Y/n was never one to judge someone based on their past, however these were recent, and she felt like she was surrounded by enough crime for now.

Deciding she'd sit on the decision for some time, the singer dismissed his reply, tapping at another app that distracted her all too quickly.

The sound of the doorbell made Y/n sigh, annoyed that they'd have to argue with their mom about the whereabouts of their stepdad

"I told you, he isn't here."


Masky ran through the forest as quickly as possible, knowing that one screw up could cause Slender to find him.

He wasn't going to meddle, truly. It wasn't his business to know what the fuck Hoodie was doing for hours at a time. But something bubbled in him. Masky knew that he was doing what he knew he wasn't supposed.

Toby wasn't much help to him when it came to this stuff. The most he could have done was been a distraction while Masky accomplished his goal of doing whatever.

'If I'm right this is usually where he exits the woods. But where does he go after?'

He stopped dead in his tracks when hearing one of the most demonic sounds ever. He slowly moved his head to where the sound was coming from.

"What the fuck was that...?" Masky mumbled. He slowly made his way to the source of sound. Never once in his 4 years of being a proxy had he ever heard anything like that.

Crouching behind a bush, he took the safety pin off his gun, ready to attack whatever the hell it was. But, once realizing what it actually was, he dropped his gun on the floor, eyes wide.

"Is that a worm hole?"

. . .

I decided that Y/n was being too sad so I gave a half filler chapter and half VERY important chapter. Thank you all for reading this book!! Unedited


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