Chapter one

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*Harry's POV*

Breathing a full bounty bar of dust I managed to cough it out and accio some water for my throat, standing up I dusted off my clothes and shoved my ass down the stairs. Only then to be met by the order of the chickens, and there he was, the head chicken Dumbledore. Among them I saw the backstabbing Weasley Family, and my forever best friend Hermione, who I know would never intentionally hurt me. 

"Dumbledore, what is the order of the phoenix and you yourself doing in my house? I banned the fucking order of the phoenix after Sirius died! Leave my house!" I scream at them not bothering to cover my tears at sirius's mentioning. 

"Harry Harry dear boy calm down, we, we," "Help me Molly, Arthur" Dumb-as-a-door whispered to them quiet enough for normal humans, not me, I'm not human. 

"Oh dear Harry we are just here to comfort you after your depressing loss." Molly sais lying through her teeth, and I knew this to begin with, so all I had to say was, " Domus enim dico I interpellatores hi movebo." With a lazy flick of my wand they were all blasted out except for Hermione. "'Mione What should I do no one has any respect for my fucking privacy, and Dumblefuck keeps trying to use Grimmauld place?" I say sighing

"Well Harry you could always do some special wards to keep them out and only let in people you want to be let in." Hermione says not taking her eyes off the book she brought with her from the huge library in the house. "Your a genius Hermione, thank you!" I say gratefully, "Oh yeah by the way, would you like to stay here?" I say twisting my fingers in my lap after I sat down. "Oh that would be nice, thank you for the offer Harry, I will get my stuff and tell my parents." Hermione then stands up and hops to the floo. 

*Draco's POV* 

Sitting down at the table always left me in the mere darkness and overhead my seat hangs a large set of chains in a blanket. Picking at my food mother looked at me worriedly and I simply stared back, getting tired of the staring contest I stood up and left for my room. 

Falling down on my back I dragged my covers up over me and read. 

A/N So since Im super lazy, (Realtable for many teensxtweens I say) I am going to time skip onto the train to hogwarts.

*Hermiones POV*

I looked over to Harry, he had insisted that we come on the train early so that we could get a compartment alone. Sitting in the corner Harry was reading one of the many books he had taken with him. I was sitting across from him a little to the center of the seats. 

A/N So sorry but this chapter is coming to an end, I need to put my computer away, next chapter will be longer I promise!

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