Chapter Two

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*Harry's POV* 

Staring out of the cabin window I sighed, I was excited to go back to hogwarts, I truly was, nut there was just a feeling nagging me all to much, like an itch. Except this was an itch, on my back it felt as though a million needles were trying to burst through my skin. Looking back to Hermione I saw her putting her book away, turing to look at the compartment door window I saw a dark hooded figure making their way towards our compartment. As the door opened I saw a lock of platinum blond hair, 

"Excuse me could I please sit here all the other compartments are full?" 

"Sure why not" Hermione said before I had a chance to react, suddenly the hooded figure took down his hood and I felt like gasping. It was Draco Malfoy, my past enemy, and current crush! Looking away I realized Hermione had piled her stuff on her side, leaving Draco having to sit next to me. 

"Hi." I said steering the most icy voice I could muster up through my throat, internally I really just wanted to talk to him like a real friend. 

Dark dots started covering my vision until I only black, feeling like my counsciousness was far away and unreal I tried to fight the darkness that enveloped me. 

A/N: Hey, sorry to interrupt so early in the story, but, so y'all know I will be trying to update this atleast once a week. If you enjoy what I have written so far make sure to keep an eye out for when, new parts come out. POV= Point. Of. Veiw, incase you didn't know, but you probaly did.

*Draco's POV* 

Staring down at the boy with beautiful green eyes, I felt as though I should do something, but Granger was already on the move. I soon realized she knew something I didn't because just like that I passed out right next to Harry. 

*Hermiones POV* 

I only had to wait for a few seconds before I knew I was right, there he was Harry's crush passed out next to him. Chuckilng to myself I went to my bag and retreived a flask full or a light green potion that was emitting faint light, as I walked over to the boys my mind went to Pansy, with her short black hair, and perfect teeth. Shaking my head I opened Harrys mouth and poured half the bottle in, next I wen to Malfoy and repeated the process. As my mind drifted back to perfect Pansy I kept an eye on the boys, just then I realized Harry had a pool of blood under his back. Rushing over to him I managed to flip him over after a big struggle. Gasping I got some healing potions and poured them onto the sore. 

*Harry's POV* 

Grunting I slowly sat up feeling worse than after my many beatings at the Dursleys, Twisting and streching a little, I immediatly reggreted it. Bringing my hands to my face I saw they were bloody. Looking up I saw Hermione looking at me, just staring with her mouth open. Curiously I brought my hands back to stretch some more, it wasn't a nice feeling but it helped me a great deal when I was younger. Gasping I felt something scaly attached to my back, trying to twist my heaad back I cought a glimpse of a wing. Shaking my head thinking this was a dream I pinched myslef on the arm so hard that I started bleeding. "Hermione why do I have wings?" I managed to croak out after a while, "Oh Harry I knew I should have said omething earlier!" Hermione sais in distress, "I knew youu would have an early, how do I say this. 'Form inheretance' Looking up at her in confusion she contiued, "Basically, you would either become a vampire like your father or an angel like your mother, but it seems you are a dragon vampire mix. That means Lily wasn't your mother, but James was your father." Hermione was cut short by the short blond boy, formally known as Draco Malfoy groaned sitting up only to fall down again, he had large feathery white wings on his back weighing him down. Near his head, or more so floating above his head was a glimmering sparkling halo.  I felt myslef staring at Draco nearly losing my head at how cute he looked. 

A/N Yes sorry another one, next chapter will be when they are already at hogwarts, because I am a lazy bitch who has to shower, anyway, at the top of the next chapter I will write basically what happened after Harry and Draco woke up on the train. If you didn't read this note you will be very confused as to why I wrote about what happened this chapter. So love ya if you read this,

Yours truly,


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