chapter 23 - babies

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Saoirse fell back asleep soon after everyone arrived in the room. She spoke to them all but once everyone started talking among tgemselves she drifted off in my arms. Yes this is how it will always be I will make sure of it. Everyone heads home to rest and will be back this evening with the kids. I cant wait to see their faces now the boys are here.

I lay here looking at Saoirse realising that I'm a lucky son of a bitch. I met this sweet girl 5 odd years ago and here I am madly in love with her still and have 5 beautiful kids. Yes I no we dont have a normal relationship yet but still if u had to tell me a year ago this would be my life now I would have laughed or punched you. I thought id never find her again and yet she was working for my grandfather all along. Fate had other plans for us. Just as I am thinking of how to prove to her i am truely in love with her and want her as my wife Leah bursts into the room with a nurse and a wheelchair telling me to wake Saoirse fast.

I'm too stunned to ask questions I just shake Saoirse awake. Shes mad but becomes confused at the scene infront of her. I inform her she had been asleep and we giggle but Leah looks broken. She steps forward puts her hands on Saoirse's, "I need you to listen very carefully to me now Saoirse and Eoin, Hunter is struggling we are trying are best but his heart is very week and if it stops again we cant revive him. I think it best if you both come with me now to their room. Are you in much pain Saoirse do you need meds before we leave"asks Leah. Saoirse is Squeezing my hand tightly and shakes her head no. Her eyes meet mine and I swear we are reading each others thoughts after a few seconds we both give each other a slight nod before I help her into the wheelchair.

We reach the room and I can see the pity in the staffs eyes. How can they do this job daily. They are angels really but right now I just want them to save my boy. This cant be happening right now how can I go from thinking I was losing all 3 to having them all here to now possiblily losing one of our boys. Im struggling here to keep it together for Saoirse but when I look at Saoirse shes composed and talking to our boy. Encouraging him to get better that he has brothers and sisters who cant wait to meet him. I cry silently when she tells him how daddy is going to spoil him and play games and how they will take trips with his brothers. How his sisters will probably dress him up in bows. I laugh out loud at that. She carries on tell him everything but never repeating a thing. How is she doing this.Our baby is so small its so unfair but he is a fighter.

I had informed everyone of the suitiation earlier and they all agreed to come tomorrow unless needed before hand. Though my grandparents and Saoirses parents had arrived and are still here. They were allowed in 1 by 1 to meet the boys for a minute.

Suddenly alarms go off around him. Nurses and Leah rush to him while we step back just staring. After a few minutes Leah looks at us as asks Saoirse if she would like to hold him. I see that look in Leahs eyes and I choke a cry back. Saoirse nods and sits in the chair and pulls down her gown while Leah places Hunter on her chest and explains he is getting weaker and it wont be long now. He is so small but he looks perfect on her chest I dont want to take him from her but I do when leah suggests so while Saoirse pumps some milk for greyson. This has to be the most amazing feeling and saddest in the world. He is mine. My flesh and blood but he is leaving us. Is the image of his mother. I notice a flash and see Saoirse is back and sitting beside me taking pictures of us. I smile at her then hand Hunter to her. Its then i notice our parents and grandparents are now in this room with us. I never noticed earlier that this is a different room from this morning. Another alarm goes off and Leah just turns it off and gives us a nod. Oh god I'm not ready for this.

Saoirse asks for greyson to be placed on her chest too. She smiles down at both her babies. Leah takes some pictures without Saoirse knowing. Suddenly she starts humming to them an old irish song while she rocks them in the chair. Her mam joins in after a few mins along with Leah. It is real low but I hear them. Her dad informs me that all the kids including Saoirse and her brother have been rocked to sleep using this song. Tears leave my eyes when I realise what shes doing. This is her moment with her babies. It might be the only only she gets with them both together on her chest. I make my way over and sit beside her and just stare at our boys. Saoirse just keeps humming songs, every so often she would sing softly to them. They never moved too content been wrapped tightly to their mother. Greyson is removed a few times much to his disgust and he lets us know too but he needs feeding.

A few hours have passed when we notice Hunter twitching his fingers. Leah removes him to run a few checks and reconnects him to the machines that had been removed earlier. This time we are all asked to leave the room. After 30 mins Leah appears. Please ve good news I think as I squeeze Saoirses hand. "Eoin Saoirse it seems Hunter is a fighter. All signs are good and have improved. Ge will need to remain on oxygen for the time been as his lungs are not fully developed. You can go back in shortly to visit before we more them back up to NCIU" Leah relays. I simple pull Saoirse into my arms before I say to Leah " Did I not say earlier he was hanging on to meet him mammy. We all know who the mammies boy will be now for sure". Everyone laughs but Saoirse collapses in tears in my arms. She finally lets it all out. Shes hysterical. Ours families leave the room to give us privacy as she cries. I just hold her and rock her. Afyer a few mins i start to hum the tune she hummed to the boys earlier. She slowly relaxes though every few seconds a sobs leaves her. She slowly looks at me before giving me a quick but loving kiss stands us up and says "Lets see our boys before I pass out from the pain I am in. I nod before slowly walking her to our boys. We only get to view them through the incubaters for now.

We say good night to the boys and return to Saoirses room just as she cries out in pain and collapses. Poor girl is exhusted. I curl up on couch in the room and watch her sleep before dozing off myself whilr praying that my boys will be ok.

 My Babies Mystery Daddy.            (Completed March 2021)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora