chapter 8 - what the hell

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Eoins pov

I'm now sitting in my car cursing myself for not allowing my driver to take me this morning. My hands are shaking and my hearts racing at the thoughts of seen her again. How will she react to me turning up at her house. My thoughts are disrupted by my phone ringing. I take a quick glance at my bluetooth on the dash to see who it is. Fuck its Kara. Shit, Im meant to be taking her to dinner tonight. I know more care to be honest shes just someone I hit up when Im really bored. Sounds mean I know but we are and have never been more than fuck buds. 3 times we have met up and they were mostly the first month. Ive been away since. I need to end this fast though as she is already getting ideas about us according to my PA, who has recieved calls from clients in the retail and hotel business. I let it ring out then pull over and take the cowards way out and text her.

Eoin: Hey Im driving right now.

Kara: Ok baby, I just can't wait for tonight. What should I wear 🥰

Eoin: About that Kara. Im going to have to cancel tonight and every other night from here on out. This was only meant to be abit of fun and we both know it has moved on for you to something that it wont ever be for me and I cant allow it to go any further. Im sorry.

Kara: Wtf Eoin are u serious. Im sorry for been pushy, please dont do this Im falling for you and I know you are for me too. This is special. We are special together. I know you love me.

Eoin: See this is what I meant. Kara I dont feel the same way about you. Love I dont love you kara for god sake. It was only meant to be friends with benifits you agreed to it but now your visiting bridal shops, hotels and jewelers. Yes I know about then all including todays dress fitting. Seriously. Its better to walk away now. You deserve better. I hope you find that someone soon

Kara: Fuck you😡 lets see what people make of this. I gave you everything. 4 months we have been dating so yes I started to plan ahead, marraige was always our next step. Im sorry about the paps too. Im sorry ok.

Kara: Eoin I didn't want to tell you like this but Im pregnant. Please Eoin I love you dont leave us. Dont walk away from your own flesh and blood. We can be a family.

Eoin: oh kara. Really my own flesh and blood. How far along are you. Lets go together and get a check up tomorrow.

Kara: Really Eoin. Omg yes lets do that. Im already 8 weeks along. I cant believe we are going to be a family. I love you.

Eoin: Yeah lets go get a dna test tomorrow at the hospital too. You know that can be done while pregnant right and before you say anything no I dont believe you.

Kara: What? Why? What do you mean DNA test. How do you not believe me, your love. I would never lie to you. Please Eoin lets take this next step together. For our child.

Eoin: Really Kara the next step. We were not dating for 4 months. We went on 3 dates 3, actually we had 3 hookups not even making it to dinner. We roughly spent about 10hours together. We werent even pictured together ever so what are you on about paps. I havent been in the country Kara for months so before you even start to lie I know you are not pregnant by me if you even are. You love my money not me sweetheart and trying to trap me with someone elses baby wont work either. I have no feelings at all towards you, kara. I never had Kara and you know this. Goodbye kara

Kara: Eoin you can't do this to me. We are meant to be together. Im sorry for been pushy but I will be the perfect wife to you. We don't have to get married straight away. I know you love me. Why are you lying right now. Please Eoin dont do this to me. People will stare at me now knowing you left me. Eoin Im pregnant for you. Please Eoin I love you dont leave us.

Eoin: Lets go get dna tomorrow, as I dont believe you.

Kara: Why do a DNA test. Why do you not believe me. I already said Im 8 weeks. I only found out monday. See heres a picture.
(Image sent)

Eoin: I'll have my lawyer contact you tomorrow with a time and a lawsuit. I know for a fact this child is not mine. I havent seen you in 12 weeks ive been in another country for 10 weeks and you were never with me. The fact you even tried to trap me with either someone elses baby or a lie is horrible. Il let my lawyer deal with you from now on. Goodbye Kara

Kara: EOIN answer your phone please. Im sorry. Im so sorry. Dont do this to me or my family. Please. We need you. I'm sorry love.

I'm not even replying to this shit anymore. The public never saw us together ever now shes pregnant by me. My dick must have been sneaking off back to america when I was away. I quickly block her number and send a text to my company secretary to block her on all phones there too. I know how she is going to get she is not the first lady to stalk me. I send a quick text to my legal team along with copies of messages for them to deal with this. Whats sad is her dads business needs my help at the moment, hes a proud man too so this will floor him though I will still be helping him out not his fault his daughter is nuts. Ok ok so back to Saoirse. Can I really just appear at her house and knock on her door. YES yes I can.

So here I am parked across the street from her house. She has just pulled into her drive and is currently escorting 3 kids from the back of her SUV. They all look familiar. They are beautiful children. These must be her neices and nephews right. Her file never mentioned she was married not that she has to be but still. I get out and leave my car. As Im approaching her door my phone goes off again its my secretary but I let it go to voicemail and I knock on her front door.

I knock a second time after getting no reply the first time. I know she is in there for heavens sake. Then I hear running. This handsome little boy opens the door in a crown and sunglasses. Wow he looks strangely familiar like Ive seen him before. He asks me how he can help me. I ask if Saoirse is there, that Im a friend from work. He nods the proceeds to to call her.

"Mammy" he calls and just before I can correct him two more kids turn the corner and head straight for Saoirse. Who owns theses beautiful kids.

She looks up to see whos at the door and pales and I think Im having a stroke. This cant be true. Fuck is she married or engaged. Are these her kids. Oh god I shouldnt have came but by god she is still beautiful. Just looking at her now I'm speachless of course shes married how could she not be. Im so screwed. Shes meant to be mine and I let her get away. I could have asked around more in Kilkenny since my so called brother didnt help and hid this info.

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