Truth or Dare

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George and Lockwood were alone in the office. Holly was off visiting family and Lucy was out getting donuts. They were sitting doing their own things when George said, "Truth or dare Lockwood?" Lockwood choosing what he thought was the safe option said, "Truth I guess." George smirked would you kiss Lucy for ten pounds?" Lockwood not thinking replied, I would pay 10 pounds to kiss Lucy Carlyle. 

Then like magic, Lucy poked her head in, "Whatcha talking about?" Lockwood blushing furiously said, "Oh Luce when did you get back?" Lucy gave him a curious look said, "A couple of minutes ago. Does anyone want some tea and donuts?" "Ya Lucy we'll be there in a minute," responded George. Lucy bounded back up the steps. "You knew didn't you?" Lockwood said in a not so calm voice. "I don't know what you mean," George responded with a smirk. "You knew she had just got home, didn't you?" "Yes, yes I did," George said as he was going up the stairs, Lockwood chased after him.

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