George's POV

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Hi so little note for you guys out there this is all a scene from the screaming staircase but instead of Lucy's POV, it's George's I'm really proud of this one so I hope you guys enjoy it! (all of the characters are Jonathan Stroud's creation and so is the scene itself)

Georges POV 

I couldn't believe it, Lockwood had gotten Ghost Touched! And he hadn't been worrying about if he was going to die, nooo all he was worried about was if Lucy was ok! I was steaming with anger it was all her fault, it was her fault they hadn't waited for me, It was her fault that Lockwood was at Scottland Yard, and it was her fault that house had burnt down! 

I had just gotten off the phone with Lockwood a couple of minutes ago when I heard the doorbell. I ran over to the door and when I opened it there she was, to be honest, she looked pretty bad though I knew Lockwood was going to look worse. And I didn't care that she was looking like she had been to hell and back because it was all her fault! 

She switched on the crystal skull lamp on the key table, and after a second asked, "Where is he?" I felt the anger inside me rise and she said again, "Where is he?" My voice sounded tight when I responded, "Scottland Yard." 

"With the police? I thought he was at the hospital."

She sounded worried but I still didn't care. I responded, "He was. DEPRACs got him now." 


That simple question made my blood boil, "Ooh, I don't know. Possibly because you burnt down someone's house, Lucy? Who can tell." 

"I have to go and see him," she said.

"You won't get in. I asked as well. He told me to wait here." She looked around seeming a bit uncomfortable, "You spoke to him?" 

I responded honestly to this question wanting her to get what damage she had done, "He called from the hospital. Inspector Barnes was waiting to take him away." "Is he ok?" her voice sounded smaller than usual, "I don't know I think so, but..." I decided to try not and tell her just yet. "You look terrible. What about your arm is it broken?" 

She noticed me not telling her something, "No. Minor sprain. It'll be ok in a couple of days. You just said but. What did he tell you?" 

"Nothing much, except..." 

"Except what?" her tone sounded worried.

"He'd been Ghost touched." 

"George-!" She yelled. 

"Would you mind not leaning there? You're making black marks on the wallpaper." I was trying to avoid the subject and I knew it. 

"Stuff the wallpaper, George!" she yelled at me, "He wasn't Ghost Touched I'd have seen!" 

My anger at her was rising again, "Would you? He said it happened while you were dealing with the Source. When he was fighting the Visitor it got him with a curl of plasm. Touched him in the hand. They gave him a shot of adrenaline in the ambulance to stop the rot. He says he's fine." 

She looked very worried, but I didn't care she deserved to be worried it was her fault. "Was it bad? How far had it gone?" 

I was finally beginning to snap, "By the time they treated it? You tell me."

Lucy snapped too, "Well how do I know? I wasn't there." 

I roared in fury and yelled, "Well you should have been!" I slammed my hand against the wall which made an ornamental gourd fall off the bookshelf. "Just like you should have stopped him from getting touched in the first place! Yes, I think it was bad! His hand had started swelling. He told me his fingers were bulging out like five blue hot dogs by the end, but they still had to manhandle him into the ambulance. Why? Because he wanted to find you! See if you were ok! He couldn't be talked down, even though ghost touch was on him and he would have died in the hour if someone with common sense hadn't jabbed a needle in his bum. He couldn't be talked down! Like he wasn't prepared to let me do proper research, so I could find out exactly what we were getting into. NO! as always he was in far too much of a hurry. And if he'd only waited-" I kicked the fallen gourd it cracked against the wall. "none of this would have happened!" 

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