Lockwood POV

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Hey, I figured out with my last post that I'm pretty good at doing another POV's so I've decided to do another one this one is from Lockwood's POV. (All of the characters and scenes are Johnathan Stroud's creation)

*This is a scene from the screaming staircase on page 164*

I was just starting to think that this locket that Lucy stole actually could be a good thing. Well, other than the 60,000 pounds we owe the Hopes. I looked at her an idea forming inside my head, "Tell me something, I almost don't want to ask this, given our experiences the last few days, but when you held the locket just now, I don't suppose you . . . felt anything, did you?" 

I could tell she was just as interested in the possibilities in this locket as I was starting to get. She nodded, "If you mean psychic residue, yes, I did. Voices, Laughter . . . Not much. I wasn't trying."

I was hesitant, but excited I smiled at her, "And do you think, if you did try . . . ?" 

I knew I was dancing around the question. She figured it out immediately, "You want me to see what sensations I get?" 

"Yes! Isn't it a great idea? You might pick up something vital; a clue that we can use."

She looked away blushing a little, "Sure, maybe . . . I don't know." 

I was starting to feel the thrill of excitement I get at the start of a dangerous but promising plan. "If anyone can do it you can Luce. You're brilliant at this. Give it a go." 

After a couple of moments, she sighed heavily, "I could try," She said, "but I can't promise anything. You know that with Touch it's normally just emotions and sounds you get, not concrete facts. So if--" 

I cut her off adrenaline starting to rush through my veins, "Great! Well done." I pushed the pendant toward her, "Can I help in any way? Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?" 

"No. Just shut up and let me concentrate." 

So I did just that. I sat there watching her as she picked up the pendant and closed her eyes and picked up the locket. At first, her face was serene like she was watching a tv show, but then she started wincing and making odd faces. Like someone was yelling at her, that freaked me out a little I scooted closer wanting to make sure she was okay. The blood was draining from her face she was becoming extremely pale. I grabbed her arm she had stopped making faces but she looked scared, then she screamed. I called her name trying to help her in any way possible but it was no use, after a couple of seconds she stopped screaming and opened her eyes. 

She looked mentally and emotionally exhausted, George burst into the room. 

"What the hell's going on?" he cried, "Can't I leave you two alone for one minute?"

"Lucy," I said ignoring George, "I'm so sorry. I should have never asked you to do that. What happened? Are you okay?" 

"I don't know. . ." She pushed away from me and dropped the pendant. She seemed distant. Then she said, "I shouldn't have done that. It's too strong. It's completely bound up by her spirit and her memories. I felt I was her for a moment and that wasn't nice at all. Her anger was terrible." 

We waited not wanting to push her.

Then finally she spoke, "there is one thing I can tell you, maybe it was what you were after, Lockwood, and maybe it isn't, but it's something I do now know for certain. It came through the emotions loud and clear."

"Yes?" I asked wanting her to go on.

"The man who gave her this necklace, he's the one who killed her, too."

I'm sorry for making you wait so long a few things got in the way but that was the newest chapter I'll be working on the next one and hopefully I can get it out soon. Thanks for reading Baiiii!

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