Chapter Six

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I think the world stood still. The animals around me stopped making noise, and all I could focus on was Zale leaning over me, his lips on mine. 

I couldn’t breathe.

No I really couldn’t breathe!

I pushed on his shoulders, and off of me, and then scrambled back from him, my chest heaving.

“I am so sorry, Zale, I- I thought I was asleep,” I rambled, hitting my forehead with the palm of my dewy hand as I gained my senses and realized it was probably early morning.

I was scared, no scared was and understatement, I was terrified. Petrified. I don’t even know if there was a word to describe how I felt. My eyes were closed in terror, though, and I couldn’t see or hear anything Zale was doing, so I didn’t know he had moved until my hands were torn away from my face and his shining, reflective eyes were boring into mine.

He wasn’t saying anything, and I didn’t have anything intellectual to say, so I said what any panicked female would, “Hi.”

His perfect eyebrows pinched together in the perfect look of confusion and then he burst out into the most perfect sounding, deep and long laugh. “Hi? That is all you have to say to me?” He tossed my hands down and stood up, “Find your way back to your room and change. It’s early and breakfast will be ready soon.”

With that he left me sitting in my own cloud of cold confusion. The only thing I could think was What the actual hell?

Sighing, I stood up and shook the dew off my legs, I raised my arm and sniffed, immediately disgusted that I could smell so bad. When was the last time I took a shower? I shuddered, not wanting to think about it as I made the lonely trip back to my room.

I saw no one, and only heard the quiet patter of the harem women’s feet as they made their way back to their own rooms for the morning. I was in the clear to be back in my room, to be able to take a shower in no time. I could literally feel the water running down my skin, I was that close.

Until a hand wrapped around my hair and yanked me back, and into a wall.

“What the fuck?” I exclaimed, my hand going to my sore scalp. I turned around, only to see one of those very women staring at me, half naked.

“You,” she seethed, “you little bitch!”

Surprised, I held my hands up in a sign of surrender, knowing this native Tethran woman could probably take me down with her pinky finger. “Me? Why am I a bitch?”

She growled low, “Do not play dumb with me. We all see what you are trying to do to our master.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Who? Zale?”

Her hand raised, ready to attack and I flinched away from it, “Do not say his name!” she all but screamed. 

I inched away from her, ready to bolt as I said calmly, “Look, lady, I am not trying to do anything to Zale, this morning only happened because I thought I was still asleep. I’m only here to help your planet.”

Her eyebrows pinched together and her pink reflective eyes narrowed, “This morning?”

I mumbled a cuss word under my breath and turned on the ball of my foot, already speeding towards my bedroom door. 

At first, I didn’t think I would make it, but it turns out I’m pretty fast, and soon the door was slamming behind me, and the lock sliding into place.

The woman on the other side of the door was pounding on it, “You won’t be able to hide from me for long, you little ugly half breed!”

I leaned my back against the door, breathing out as I did so.

Reality(1 in series) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now