Chapter Twenty-One

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 Jaylee's P.O.V.

I felt powerless.

Which was funny because I had so much power swirling around in me, and I couldn't even use it.

I was useless.

Nothing but a tool in a war I had no idea about.

Kliant had left the room, and me, behind. I heard him laughing to someone else, but the silence he left when he was gone was crushing me.

I had set Jack free. I had told him to find his parents.

To find Zale.

Now where was I? Stuck? Would I be used to kill those I love? Would I be forced to watch them die for reasons that I didn't even know?

I know, I didn't know Zale for long. But it's not about knowing him. I get it, love at first sight is cheesy, and may not exist, but it happened. When I stared up at him from the floor that first time, I remember the feeling.

Closing my eyes, I surrounded myself in that memory, letting it sink into me. The warmth of my cheeks caused by his icy glare.

I smiled, remember how cold he was that first meeting, but how he warmed up to me, and began to grow soft. I sighed, remembering how his lips had felt against mine.

I felt as though I could just reach out and touch him, right here in this cell. Like he was with me.

Warm drops of water slid down my face, and my eyes snapped open. I wasn't in my cell anymore.

Well, I was. But I wasn't. The room looked fuzzy, and distorted. I looked behind me, and saw my body.

I was asleep? No, I wasn't asleep.

"Jaylee?" the voice flowed over my skin like a caress and I whipped around to stare into Zale's eyes.

"Z-Zale?" I sobbed, running to him. My body crashed into his, and instead of a warm embrace, it felt like static.

"Jaylee, what is going on? Are you real? Am I losing my mind?" I felt a tingle go through my scalp, and realized he was stroking my hair.

Gasping through my tears, I cried, "I don't know. Am I losing mine?" then it hit me, "I did this!"

"What?" he pulled back and looked at me, and then around the room.

"I brought you here. I'm here, on Artoul, Zale. I don't know where on Artoul, but I am here. They have Jack, and my mother!"

"Slow down, tell me all that you know."

And I did, I told him everything that had happened from when they took me to now. Every little detail spilled out of my mouth, and for the first time since setting Jack free, I knew without a doubt my mate would save me.

Zale's P.O.V.

To say I was pissed was an understatement. When I was pulled from my body, I didn't know what to expect, but seeing Jaylee wasn't it.

She was beautiful. I couldn't get over the changes that had happened to her. They were incredible. Her markings were gorgeous, and all I wanted to do was follow them and figure out every little thing about my mate.

After returning to my own body, the process began, and within hours our army was ready to storm Artoul. They were given orders to not kill civilians, though I knew some casualties might happen.

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