Chapter Thirteen

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The day went by quick, I was forced to walk around town with the Tethran woman, but didn't mind all that much because her and I clicked. I actually enjoyed talking to her, and shared that the last couple of days had been tough, and I hadn't actually been able to tell why.

She told me that their household had been the same, and joked about it being something in the air.

Soon we were back at the castle, and parting ways. I was back in my room, sitting in front of my vanity with Zadra behind me.

"So, I hear these Tethran folk are pretty attractive," she giggled, and yanked on my hair, twisting it up.

I shrugged, "I guess."

Looking at me in the mirror, Zadra sighed, "Girl, if you can't see how fine they are then I need to get you some help."

I smiled, "I know how fine they are, Zad. It just all seems like a dream."

She frowned down at me, "What do you mean?"

I looked up at her, "I don't know how to explain it, but I just feel like I connect with them. Like I connected with you after years of knowing you, and I haven't even known them for a day, ya know?"

Zadra nodded, and I could almost hear her brain working, "So you think there might be something more to the story of your connection or something?"

Again, I shrugged, "Maybe? I don't know. It sounds crazy, I guess."

Zadra laughed, "We're all a little crazy."

I agreed and let her continue to work on me, watching as she twisted and pulled my hair into a beautiful up-do, before turning my chair around and working on my face.

Before long I had to break the silence, "What kind of ball is it this time?"

Her smile was wicked this time, "It's a masked ball."

"Masked?" I was shocked, we had never had a masked ball that I could remember. It was something we just didn't do. The royals that attended were to vain to even consider hiding their faces.

"I heard from some of the other girls that it was one of the Tethran's ideas. The really, really tall and attractive one."

My eye twitched and I tried to keep my face neutral, "Zale?"

"That's the one!"

"That's... different, but I guess if my father is trying to keep them happy on their visit it makes sense." Zadra nodded and started to work on my face some more.

"You are going to be the prettiest masked girl there."

I laughed, "So unmasked I'm not pretty? Geeze, thanks Zad!"

She laughed with me and shook her head, "You have a way of twisting my words, silly."

I nodded, and closed my eyes again, and before I knew it she was shaking me awake.

"You're all set to put the dress on now!"

I scowled, "You mean that poofy monstrosity you brought in with you earlier?"

Zadra looked offended, "That dress I brought in earlier was for your step mother!"

"But you said you were shoving me into it?"

Laughing, Zadra replied, "It's the ugliest dress ever," looking at the dress, I could agree, "I would never stick you in something like that! You're step mother loved it though."

Sneering I murmured, "I'm sure she did."

"I'll go get the other dress, you... you do whatever it is that you do locked up in here all the time." With that, Zadra was out the door, leaving me alone.

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