Chapter Eighteen

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Jaylee's P.O.V.

The world around me was one meal after another. I didn't know the number of days I had been here, only the amount of meals that were pushed through the small slot.

I was getting angry, and getting bored.

Bored and angry.

Angry and bored

I did all I could to get someone to come, I would scream for hours, throw things at the door, punch the walls.

I just wanted out.

I don't care how, or why, but I need freedom.

It was one of those times, where there were no noises coming from outside my door; no footsteps crossing in front, no muffled voices, nothing.

It was eerily quiet.

I was currently pacing across the room, fuming about being caged like an animal. 

This is how I was when the door was thrown open, revealing a group of men in armor. 

"Come with us," the man in front of the group walked forward, and grabbed my arm.

Annoyed, I tried to pull myself away from him, but was instead dragged behind him like a feather. Digging my heels into the ground I tried my best to stop his movement but found myself being yanked forward. Even with my extra-weird strength, this man was able to drag me. "Where are we going?" I asked, allowing myself to be taken.

"Nowhere," the man said, calmly.

I frowned, "Who are you?"

"No one," he replied.

Pissed off I threw my free hand in the air, "Well what the hell!" 

The man sent a glance over his shoulder, and that's when I noticed his eyes.

His swirling, reflective, rainbow colored eyes. 

Shocked, I screeched, "Alec!?"

The group of men laughed, and the man in front of me shook his head, "If I had half the power Alec did, I would not be stuck in this god-forbid army."

I frowned, "You're not Alec?"

The man shook his head, "God no, what would make you think that?"

I faltered, stumbling over my feet, "Your eyes, they're rainbow..." I trailed off, looking at the rest of the men that surrounded me and found they all had the same eyes.

Laughing again, the man dragging me stated, "Alec is the same that we are. Or we are the same Alec is."

"Tethran?" I asked, unsure now of anything.

Again, he shook his head, "We are not Tethran. Where have you been getting your information?" 

I was sure my face was stuck in a permanent frown by now, this was ridiculous. I guess now was as good as any time for life to throw me some more wicked curveballs. 

Finally, the man stopped in front of a familiar set of doors, and as he opened them, I found the room a lot emptier than it had been the last time I was in it. 

The Tethran man stood at a smaller round table with a few other men I didn't know, and he looked up when we walked in. "Welcome back!" the man smiled, and I scowled in reply, yanking my arm away from the warrior with the rainbow eyes. 

The man tsked and waved me over, so I took my time walking that way, aware of the other man following behind me. 

"Well, you're as cheerful as always," the Tethran stated, leaning over the table once again, looking at the maps laid out in front of him.

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