𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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William's hand hung out the window as he drove towards Forks High School. There was an indescribable feeling as he passed the trees and drove through the familiar gloomy aura of Forks. The memories, the nostalgia, the strange calmness, and the eerie, comforting silence that surrounded him. Excluding running at the speed of over fifty miles per hour and phasing into a wolf, running through the forest without a care in the world, nothing else really could compare to the eerie and the calming sense of Forks. It coiled around William. As crazy as it sounded, Forks felt like a distant home.

He drove fast, uncaring about the honks and protests of the drivers behind him as he spotted Forks High School. He was tempted to slow down and take his time driving into the parking lot, but that would only be delaying the inevitable. He pressed his foots against the brakes slowly, holding back a sigh of boredom as he drove through the parking lot as slow as a human. At least, not a high schooler. It was amazing that a crash hadn't happened yet. Humans only seemed to grow more immature with age, and that confused William to no end. He looked around for a moment, ignoring the student's curious and longing looks as they stared at the car he drove. He pulled into a parking spot, his boredom only growing as he positioned his car between the lines and slowed to a stop. He pulled the keys out of the ignition, exhaling as he shoved the keys in his pocket.

He swung the car door open, avoiding the urge to shrink under the students' curious gazes. In a way, it was frustrating. Why couldn't he just be confident? He knew he couldn't help it, but it was frustrating at how awkward he could make things.

William slung his backpack over his shoulder with little to no effort. He ignored the student's hushed whispers as he walked towards the building, lost in his thoughts.

He stared at the building's doors for a moment, anxiety pooling in the pit of his stomach as he pulled open the doors. All the students' gazes seemed to gravitate towards him and he couldn't the small tremors of anxiety that shook his body as he walked around aimlessly, hoping he could find his next class. He sighed and inhaled through his nose, knowing that he looked hopelessly lost.

He walked down the hallways, growing more and more anxious and impatient by the second. He clenched and unclenched his fist, and he could feel that crawling feeling that came with phasing. He ignored it.

"Hello" a melodious voice rang out, breaking him from his trance. William turned his head towards the voice.

"I'm Alice Cullen." The girl greeted, sticking out her perfectly manicured hand in front of him.

William's face paled and his eyes widened as he stared at the girl, but he quickly controlled his expression and resisted a sigh of annoyance as he felt the awkward atmosphere close around them. He cleared his throat and scratched his neck awkwardly, ignoring Alice's curious gaze. "I'm William Swan."

Alice's movements faltered, her movements frozen. William's eyebrows furrowed, pretending not to notice the girl's reminiscent, yet pained expression.

"Are you okay?" he questioned, feigning confusion and worry.

Alice smiled up at him, her bubbly personality returning. "Yeah, I'm fine" she answered.

William nodded and gripped onto his backpack strap's tighter. "Do you know where the office is?"

Alice's lips curled upwards and her enthusiasm only seemed to skyrocket. "Yes" she answered, flashing him a bright smile. "Right this way!"

William smiled awkwardly, his expression turning faltering for a moment before he followed after Alice, gazing into the hallways and peering at the lockers as they made their way to the office.

They reached the office in a short moment, and William just zoned out for most of the time as Alice chatted with the woman standing in front of the door. He held back a laugh at the lady's annoyed expression. He had heard that Alice was a bit too enthusiastic and expressive at times, but really, it didn't do much harm. Well, yet that is.

"Thank you" he murmured, nodding his head as she came into view in front of him.

Alice smiled brightly up at him, her eyes shimmering with a hidden grief and pain that William recognized all too well. William tore his gaze away from hers, walking into the office.

He entered the small building, staring at the small details covering the place. The floor was covered in a thin carpet that was colored a murky gray. It was obviously old. The receptionist was a timid old women, appearing to be in her sixties, she wore small black glasses, while wearing a sweater and some fashionable sweatpants.

William walked up to the receptionist, staring at her for a moment before the receptionist tore her gaze away from her papers and looked up at him.

"Is this where they hand out schedules?" he asked politely.

"Yes" the receptionist answered, smiling at him.

He returned her smile weakly and continued. "Could I have one, please?"

"Of course" the receptionist said, handing him what appeared to be the schedule. He stared down at the schedule, cursing under his breath as he saw that his next class was going to start in seven minutes. Luckily, he had gotten here a bit early. He had a general idea, and he just hoped he wouldn't walk into the wrong classroom.

"Do you know where the Biology classroom is?" he asked politely, giving her a small smile.

"Just walk straight down the hallway and take the second turn on the left." The lady answered, returning to her work.

"Thank you" he answered.

He exited the office, sighing as he was met with a cold chill. He walked down the porcelain hallway, counting the dots on the floor as he walked towards the Biology classroom.

He spotted the Biology door. He glanced at his watch, letting out a sigh of relief. He still had a few minutes to spare. It would be enough time to get to a new classroom if this wasn't the right one. He ignored the anxiety welling up in him at the thought and gripped the doorknob. He was pretty sure this class was the right one.

"Oh, how nice of you to join us Mr. Swan." The teacher called out as soon as he walked into the classroom, causing William to cringe internally as everyone began to stare at him. How had the teacher even know him? "I am Mr. Adler" he said, his eyes scanning the classroom, most likely looking for a place for William to sit. "Ah" the teacher exclaimed. "Why don't you sit next to Edward."

William's eyes widened and he swore he could feel his whole world tumbling down on itself. Everything had led up to this moment, and he wasn't surprised as old feelings resurfaced as he met Edward's bewildered gaze that his father hadn't tried to even hide. Sadness, fear, anxiety, disappointment, happiness, but the one that threatened to burst through his chest was the overwhelming anger that he felt towards the man, The things that his father had done to his mother fueled his anger, and maybe, it would provide a reason for William's lack of interaction with the man, but the stupid, weak part of William wanted his father. He wanted his father to just come back into his life. Share stories about his life. Be his father. Apologize to him and his mother. Say he had never wanted to leave them. Hell, even tell him that he loved him, but he knew that was impossible because his even his own father didn't know that he had a son. He froze in place, staring in shock at the man before breaking out of his stupor. He slowly trudged towards the seat, ignoring Edward's pained look towards him. He would avoid the Cullens as much as possible. He promised that.

Edward's whole body stiffened as William sat in the seat, placing down his bag, William stared towards the front, not daring to make eye contact with the man. He cursed himself in his head.

He should've changed his name, although Edward didn't recognize that he was Bella's son, Edward definitely knew that he was a Swan, he was a spitting image of Bella and Charlie, most likely causing Edward to think about Bella. The crueler part of William wanted Edward to feel the pain, feel the pain he had felt when he left Bella, and the sicker part of him relished in the man's pain. His father deserved the pain he had caused them. That's what William would tell himself, but it didn't really make him feel any better.

He broke out of his trance, feeling Edward's eyes pierce the side of his head. He snuck a glance at Edward out of the corner of his eyes, watching the man. His gaze was fixated on William. The man was obviously in shock, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, and that was reasonable. Surely, Edward had checked in on his mother or Grandpa Charlie, but then again, there was a high possibility that he didn't. That was probably the case, and that thought made William even angrier.

But stupidly, all he could feel was a strange sense of deja vu . . .

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now