𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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William bit his lip anxiously, staring up at the clock every once and awhile. He drummed his fingers on the desk nervously. He was sitting right next to his father; the man who he had only heard about. His mother's shield protected his thoughts.

He glanced at Edward, the man's steely gaze still piercing into the side of his head. It only made the pit in his stomach grow. He stared up at Mr. Alder. He was pointing at the whiteboard with words tumbling out of the his mouth, but his neck jutted out and venom pooled into William's mouth. He swallowed, forcing the venom back. He could feel the raging ache behind his eyes and the faint burning in his throat. He should've gone hunting.

He took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, ignoring the tempting burn in his throat. He glanced up at the clock. Seeing that there was a few minutes of class, William was glad that he decided to skip. He didn't think he could see, or even think about, another Cullen.

He slouched in his seat and rested his head on his hand. Minutes felt like hours. He jumped in his seat when students rushed towards their backpacks and shoved their papers inside. He let out a sigh of relief, jumping up from his seat and jogging towards the door. Freedom.

A cold hand latched onto his shoulder and William stopped in his tracks, whipping his head behind him. There was only one person that hand belonged to; Edward Cullen. The man's eyes were golden topaz. He had hunted. His bronze hair was effortlessly styled. His body was pale. It was all that you would expect for a vampire, but the strangest part was that Edward had a certain charm. That art of being a vampire, he guessed. He was slender, but his muscles were visible. Light reflected off his dark bags, and it didn't help his tired appearance. He held this eerie sense of beauty.

"You forgot your bag" he said softly.

"Thank you" William answered, smiling at the man, but it came out more like a grimace.

Edward returned William's strained smile with a forced nod before quickly spinning on his heels with a natural grace and tugging open the classroom door to retrieve his own bag. Had the man left his own bag just so he could get William's bag? That was weird.

William let out a sigh of relief that he didn't know he had been holding and continued to walk through the hallways. That was the one thing he liked about high school. People were so wrapped up in their own worlds that they ignored you, and William appreciated it more than they could know, but he also appreciated Alice's unexpected cheery greeting as she walked past him in the hallway. Stupid charming vampires.

William watched as she walked in the opposite direction, quickly getting lost in the crowd. A small smile graced William's face. He was beginning to like Alice Cullen. He took a deep breath and walked through the porcelain hallways which were quickly becoming empty as students walked to their classes. William's eyes searched the hallway for a moment. He could smell the pine seeping underneath a doorway ahead of him. William's eyes drifted across the hallway again. No humans. Taking one last look, William ran towards his escape far faster than a human could have. He saved himself from slipping only once or twice as his shoes squeaked against the porcelain floors.

Sweet freedom. He sucked in a breath of fresh air as he walked through the building's doors, sighing happily as the cold air and the scent of pine engulfed him. He walked towards his car with his backpack slung over his shoulder. His parking wasn't too bad. He shoved his hand in his pocket, pulling out his keys and unlocking his car. He pulled open the driver's door, and shoved his keys into the ignition, but his movements faltered for a moment as he considered the consequences of skipping his first day of school. It was only a detention, but he could just have his mom excuse it. William's hand reached towards the ignition and twisted the key, but he froze when the engine was drowned out by the sound of the Cullen's voices.

"Are you sure that he's related to Charlie or Bella" a women's voice hissed.

"I'm sure of it" Alice answered, her bubbly tone filled with a strange determination.

"He looked exactly like Bella and Charlie" Edward said.

"His surname is Swan, Rosalie," a man answered, a Southern drawl in his voice, "but it certainly could be just a coincidence. That's definitely a possibility. Alice, have you seen anything?"

"Exactly! I just-" Rosalie paused. "Are we sure Charlie had more kids or anything" she hissed quietly.

"There is a possibility Rosalie" a man's voice said.

"The resemblance is uncanny" Edward murmured. "I'm one-hundred percent sure that he is related to Bella or Charlie."

The women sighed. "Fine, I want to meet him."

"We can see him at lunch, Rose." A man's voice boomed.

William cursed, tuning out their conversation. Why did he decide to go with the surname Swan? He should've known that the Cullen's would make their appearance eventually. He just didn't expect it to be now. Certainly not now, but it didn't matter. He was skipping anyway.

He chuckled to himself, remembering his mother's words. He didn't want to risk revealing that she was alive. It would only open old wounds that had taken many years to seal, but, she had to be aware that the Cullens were back in Forks.

He sighed, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. He stared at it for a moment before dialing his mother's number.

"Is everything alright, William?" her comforting voice rang out, slightly twinged with concern.

He raised the phone to his ear, relaxing as he heard his mother's voice. He hesitated before answering, his voice shaking with emotion

"The Cullens are back in Forks . . ."

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now