𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟗

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William wasn't sure if he was starting to regret his decision. In a few long hours, William had made it to Montana. Except there was one problem: William had ran out of gas.

William hadn't exactly come prepared, and he cursed himself for that. The only things he had were his car, clothes, and the remaining cash in his wallet along with his credit cards. If he used his credit card, his mother could trace the transaction, so that wasn't an option. He also had little cash, but enough to buy maybe one refuel. After spending his remaining money, William would be on his own.

William really didn't think this through.

Imagine his surprise when the people at the gas station stare at him in horror. William knew he wasn't exactly a pretty sight with a blood-soaked side and a deep wound on display. He should've brought a jacket.

The gas station appeared to be your average gas station. There was the cashier who looked like they hated their job, and there was the piercing smell of gasoline in the air. Chipped paint covered the building's walls and showed the damage that the building had sustained over the years, but other than that, there wasn't much to hate about it.

Besides the people.

William really couldn't catch a break. First, he had run away and now, instead of his family, he had strangers pestering him with questions. William was ready to snap, right then and there.

William climbed into his Porsche, gas can in hand, and slammed the door harshly behind him. William closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose as a flashback filled his mind.

"Hey, little vamp!" Emmett's loud voice boomed.

William winced and Emmett sent him a look of apology.

"Why'd you call me?"

Emmett laughed and clapped William on his shoulder. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. One that William knew too well.

"We're going to have some fun," he replied, smiling ear to ear.

William glanced around the room, and upon seeing no one, let out a small groan.

Emmett grunted. "It's not as bad as you think it is," he promised. "We're just having some good ol' bonding time." Emmett turned on his heels and rushed out of the house using his vampire speed and sat in his car outside. Shortly, the familiar rumble of the jeep's engine filled William's ears and William reluctantly walked out of the door at a human pace.

Emmett grinned widely upon seeing William and patted the passenger seat next to him. William, using his enhanced speed, pulled open the jeep's door and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Like I said, we're just having some good ol' uncle and nephew bonding time."

William whipped his head around to face Emmett, shock plastered across his face. "You knew?"

Emmett grumbled. "I'm not that thick-headed. You know, I really expected Edward to find out by now!" he said, throwing his hands up in the air. A rare look of exasperation was plastered across his face.

William raised an eyebrow at Emmett and Emmett stared at him like a child that had just gotten scolded by their parents. "Ok, maybe I got some hints from Rosalie?"

William threw his head back against the headrest and groaned. In response, Emmett scoffed and began to pull out of the driveway. "I had a sneaking suspicion. Besides, Edward is too depressed and lovesick. So confusing. I mean, even I figured out that you were at least related to us!"

William let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders in agreement.

After a beat of silence, Emmett's solemn voice filled the silence. "We all missed her, you know?"

William stared out the window at the passing trees and cars before responding. "I know." William turned towards Emmett, a rare look of emotions passing over the two's faces before William rested his hand on the center console. "Can I show you something, Uncle Emmett?"

A small smile spread over Emmet's face at the use of the phrase. "Sure," he shrugged.

William sucked in a deep breath before placing his hands on Emmett's. Seeing Emmett's visible confusion, he spoke. "I'm trying to show you a memory."

"What kind of memory?"

William smiled sadly. "A happy one."

William tightened his grip on Emmetts cold, marble hand and closed his eyes, the fond memory immediately coming to the front of his mind. His mother's beaming smile. Her strikingly bright, happy brown eyes.

William smiled to himself as he heard Emmett's small gasp of wonder. "Woah," he breathed. 

William nodded and clicked his tongue, a small laugh escaping his chapped lips. "Woah," he agreed. 

"That was awesome!" Uncle Emmett cheered before snapping his head in William's direction, a movement so unnatural and fast that a normal human would've snapped their neck attempting it. "Is there any more you can do?"

"I've been working on it, but not really."

"Damn," Emmett cursed. "You know, there was this one time where I tried to cheer Edward up. I blasted some kickass music. He, of course, being the depressed vampire he is, was not amused." Emmett chuckled, his chest rumbling. "Good times."

"Yeah. Good times."

William grumbled and gripped the gas can tightly, feeling the handle bend under his tight grip, and climbed out of his Porsche, closing the door behind him as his sneakers crunched the gravel beneath him. He glanced around him, grumbling as he saw that there were humans nearby. He sighed in annoyance as he walked to the gas cap at a human pace, tearing it open with a little more force open and pushing the tip of the gas can into the gas cap. William smiled awkwardly at the humans nearby, but his smile quickly faded as their horrified gazes never left him. 

"Just a costume," he called out, his lips curling into a strained smile. 

Some of the humans nodded while others gazed at him quizzically. 

"It's not even Halloween yet," a voice grumbled and William held back a laugh at the human's resigned statement. 

William let out a sigh of relief and lowered his head as the gas can grew lighter, signifying that it was empty. William took a few steps toward the trunk and lazily opened it, placing the gas can in the trunk lightly before walking towards the driver's seat, trying to ignore the few prying gazes. William grabbed the cold, metal handle and opened the car door, frowning as it felt heavier in his hand. 

Must be the exhaustion. He probably should get some sleep soon, but at this rate, it didn't seem like William would be getting any. He had a lot to think about, and he sadly had all the time in the world.

William quickly started the car with ease and slammed his foot on the gas pedal, lurching forward before being yanked back violently by the seatbelt. William ignored the slight discomfort in his torso as he continued to press his foot hard against the gas pedal. He just needed to get as far away from Forks as possible. 

That was the goal. He would fly under the radar, and hopefully, keep the supernatural at bay. William just hoped it would be that easy . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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