CHAPTER [11] - He's attractive.

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Then, he pushed him down onto his chair, with just the tip of his finger,

so that Damsel looked down on him.


Then he opened his mouth again, seeping the words through.

"Princes above Knights, and Knights under princes."

"That-" Damsel turned to smile at the rest of the table, "Is, and has been the order of things since centuries ago."

A heavy silence settled over them, thicker then the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching other glances that passed by. Some shifted uncomfortably in their seats and others grasped their sweaty, nervous hands under the tables, and others shuffled their feet against the carpet of the floor.

Darren let out a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen his body movements. He was sat like a clockwork soldier and that was no way to be in a meeting. It was a decent effort, enough to fool the casual observer, but for the onlooker with a keen eye, he was a walking advert for tension. He had to control his breath, just remembering the way Damsel looked down at him as he pushed him to sit, it wasn't hatred, nor anger, yet it was something that made Darren feel embarrassed about himself, it was a look that degraded him onto his knees with consent, like he had deserved the humiliation. It was a look that seemed as though it were looking at the most repulsing thing in the world. It was also a look of pity, as though he were pitying a disgusting animal.

It was the way that Damsel looked down at him, that made goosebumps spread across his arms. It gave him disturbing feelings that he didn't want to acknowledge, like how he didn't necessarily mind being looked at like that, like he wanted to be degraded without words, just by those pretty honey eyes instead. But it was also the way Damsel's eyes looked at him, and how the skin above his lip folded and set a sneer on his face, that Darren wanted to utterly ruin him, to the point he could only hate him with those spiteful eyes, and not be able to do anything else. He wanted to corner him to the point Damsel couldn't even raise a finger at him, nor make a sound, a state where fluttering those eyelashes was all he could do, and have his eyes glare at him as the younger's skin flushed red.

Ah, he was in a meeting.

Carter bit on his nails, a bead of sweat slithering down his right temple as his eyes waved,

"Now now, you need not be so serious, young man, we were simply joking around!" he began, his attempt to keep things light already waning.

Damsel gave his shoulders a flex and lolled his head in a circle, let his stride slacken to a more casual pace as he cracked his neck, with a sly grin forming on his lips. That sounded like anything but joking around, damsel wanted to scoff, but he simply kept his cool and hummed along with the story Carter pulled from his butt.

But a little away from Damsel, Darren had watched his thoughts scatter across his face, his arrogance was present in the way he talked, and more evident in the way he talked, his conscious was practically gluing itself onto everything Damsel did. That sly grin on Damsel's pretty face ruined the perfect picture, but it also lured in thoughts Darren had never had before.

The narcissism Damsel had always portrayed annoyed Darren to every degree before, but now his confidence was-..


Darren's eyelids lowered when Damsel grabbed the bottle of water reserved for his seat, the way he twisted the lid off as he kept his eyes on Carter, when it was raised to Damsel's mouth, Darren found himself licking his lips instead, his eyes observed the boy as though a lion was hunting it's prey before pouncing.

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