CHAPTER [9] Gay panic.

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Damsel staggered back at the blockage, he shut his eyes ready to fall on his back, he could see it a heartbeat before it happened- the force pushing him back and his body tilting in an unbalancable state, he looked crazy as he waved his arms in the air trying to somehow balance himself back onto 2 feet, but that was until an arm roughly tugged him back forward.


Damsel yelled in relief, after finding balance again he looks up at his rival, Darren had his jaw clenched in annoyance as he tightened his grip on the boy's arm, forcing him to stand up properly again.

It was an awkward position, with Darren gripping Damsel's upper-arm, and them just staring at each other with the faint line of awkwardness lingering between the two.

Damsel stood there frozen as he watched in awe at his expression. He saw nothing short of disgust on Darren's face, almost hatred, as his face reddened with anger.

Damsel scoffed to the side.

"I didn't need your help," He sneered,

"Of course you didn't, I should've let you fucking fall, that would've cracked your head open," Darren retorted with a click of his tongue.

"Don't act like you wouldn't be happy if I actually did crack my head open,"

Only then, when damsel looked up he saw the devastating state that he had only heard in the call prior to the night, visually in front of his eyes. Damsel looked up to be met with puffed red eyes, from crying all night, places were flushed red like the tip of his nose and just under his eyes with tints, it wasn't clear if they were the remaints of tears from a short while ago or dating back to last night, but it was definitely clear that Darren was in a vulnerable spot at the moment.

Of course the same could be said for damsel, his hair was messy from all the nervous tugging and his voice was hoarse aswell, like there was spit blocking him off in his throat.

A sense of shame flooded into his nervous system as Darren's words from yesterday really set in,

He knew he'd done something pretty awful when he had to rack up every possible excuse to justify it.

his words held a knife to Damsel's throat, and the boy's scornful gaze held the same effect, stilling Damsel in place.

It was true, as shameful as it was to admit, the fact that Damsel still held Darren on a pedestal after his first love from kindergarten left him for Darren was the exact reason Damsel still held a grudge against him to this day, and it brought Damsel into such a toxic corner of his own mind that he had to really realize that, that was all there was to his so-thought deep hatred.

He really was privileged,

He really was ungrateful,

He really was self-centered,

He really did do everything to mend his own insecurities,

He really did think he was oppressed.

He really was blind to his own actions,

And the blind stayed blind.

So Damsel still stayed blind.

Darren's ears were turning red, he sent a glare at him then spat out, "The fuck did I expect from a Prince? You're entitled, you can't even say a thank you."

Damsel sneered at him, then proceeded to laugh, only to add fuel to the fire.

"Did I say something funny?" Darren snapped,

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