CHAPTER [10] - Princes and Knights.

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He panicked.

And so, Darren kneed him in the stomach.

"FUCK-" Damsel gasped as he held his stomach, Pain erupted from the point of impact.

"Shit-!" Darren gasped, "I didn't mean to do that-"

"The fuck do you mean you didn't mean to do that? I didn't even do anything this time!" Damsel kissed, groaning at the pulses of pain coming from his abdomen.

"You- You said I could hit you back earlier- I held you to that, right? So-" He stammered, before yelling, "Fuck you!" Darren brought up an excuse out of nowhere.

"Shit dude-.. You're a real piece of work." Damsel scoffed, almost baffled as he eyed him down.

"I don't want to hear that from you of all people." Darren retorted, wiping his sweaty palms as discretely as possible, fuck,

"Anyways, so-.."

"#### ##### #########."

At some point, Darren tuned him out, just staring at the little flecks of gold swimming around in his gorgeous brown eyes, and the corners of his lips tilted upwards every time he had to pronounce an E, it was the way the corners of his lips folded upwards when he smiled that really captivated him, he never had the honor of seeing him smile up close, so all he could do was just imagine it with how he pronounced certain letters.

what was he supposed to do when his face got all up on him all of a sudden, he needs to learn to be careful with it, he cant go around looking like that-

looking so pretty-

augh fuck him.

Fuck Damsel for being so good-looking.

"Are you even listening? You prick-! Have I just been talking to a wall for the past 24 hours?"

"Huh?" Darren blinked, the younger's voice finally reaching him. "Ha-..?" He had to blink a few times to really snap out of it.

"The fuck did you say? And quit exaggerating, it's not been 24 hours, piece of shit."

With a roll of his eyes, damsel continued. "I was saying, We could totally escape by friendship!"

Darren raised a brow, sighing in defeat as he turned back to the door, already giving up.

"Wait- Wait! Hear me out!" Damsel rushed as he practically dashed infront of Darren to block him from taking another step, he held out both to his sides as though he were a fence aswell. "Don't you wanna take any measures to keep your mate?"

"I do, and I will," Darren scoffed, crossing his arms and pointing his nose at the air arrogantly.

"I'm going to act as disrespectful as possible."

Damsel blinked for a second, before practically spitting on his face, "PFFT-!"

"What the fuck, Knight? That's what I used to do back when I was like-" Damsel counted his fingers, "5!" Damsel held up six fingers,

"You're holding up six fingers, Prince."

"I- ugh." He looked down at his hand and slowly put the extra index finger down, smiling at himself as if he were proud or something to have successfully counted 5 fingers.

Ah shit, what the fuck was that? 

That was so fucking cute-

What am I saying- him being brain-dead is cute?

But that smile was adorable.


So cute.

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