please Tommy

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Thomas' pov
"Please Tommy, Please."

A single tear escapes from his eye.

I can see all the happy moments we've shared. Our first kiss, which ended in a catastrophy because neither of us had kissed anyone before.

I can see him asking me to be his boyfriend.
I can see us cuddeling in the glade, the scorch, even in the last city we're in right now.

When I am thinking of those moments, I feel strong, happy as if I was the king of the world. Butterflies explode in my stomach.

"I hate you. I've always hated you." Newts voice penetrates to my ears.

It is like I woke up from a dream. The only difference is that it were my memories and this is the nightmare.

Right, Thomas. It's just a dream. It's okay. You don't have to kill him.

"Shoot me!" Suddenly Newt tackels me to the ground and climbs on top of my lap.

My face lands on the floor and pain spreads in my head. I look into those beautiful brown eyes and I know that it isn't a dream.

This will be the last time I see him. Either he dies or I die.

A pained expression flashes across my face. I don't want to die but I also don't want him to die.

Carefully I take the gun and place it on his left temple. He really wants it and I can't save him anymore.

He lets out a reliefed sigh.

I can see love in his eyes but as soon as I blink with my own ones, it is already gone.

"Just let me kiss you. One last time. Please." I whisper almost inaudibly.

Painfully slowly, he leans down to my face. The urge to smash my lips onto his grows every second.

Softly, his lips touches mine. They just brush against each other at first but then, shyly, he starts to fill the kiss with love and passion.

Out lips move un synch as I pull him closer to me. He lays on top of me, his hands on the ground next to my face, my hands tangled in his fluffy blonde hair.

I let my tongue glide over his bottom lip and immediately he lets it in.

I can taste the blood inside his mouth but I couldn't care less, as our toungues fight for dominance.

Suddenly Newt pulls away.

"I love you, Tommy. Please don't forget that."

"I love you so much, it hurts." I reply, tears building in my eyes.

Carefully I place the gun on his head, ready to kill him. Everything was said.

I squeeze my eyes shut. With my heart falling into a black abyss, I pull the trigger.

I hear the gun shoot, as someone punched my arm away.

"NO!" I heard a voice scream on the top of his lungs.

"Minho?" Confused I look at Minho hugging Newt on the floor.

"We are Here. Don't worry. We brought the cure." he explains.

He saved Newt. I didn't shoot him.

Warmth spreads across my body as I look at Newt, getting the cure he deserves.

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