one last time

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Thomas is sitting in the sand at the Beautiful beach of the save haven. The sun is slowly setting, causing the sky to glow in golden and red colours. Despite the bright colours in the sky, the water is dark and calm. The dark water matches Thomas' depressed mood whereas the colourful sky seems to be the complete opposite.

Suddenly, while Thomas is still staring at the water, he hears his name. It is just a faint, almost sad, whisper but he still hears it. Thomas does not need to turn around to know who the voice belongs to, he instantly knows it is Newt. But can that really be him? He shot him, he killed the love of his life.

"Tommy. Please look at me.", the voice says.

It has to be him. No one else calls him Tommy, Newt is the only one who is allowed to do that. Thomas loved the way, Newt said his name. He does, what Newt told him, even though he is afraid, he just imagined the voice.

What he sees, leaves him speechless, beautiful brown eyes, blonde fluffy hair, soft pink lips curled up into a shy smile, his angelic face. It is him.

Tears build up in Thomas' eyes and Newts eyes glisten with tears too. The boys cannot belive what they are seeing, they did not think, they would ever see each other again. Thomas' heart skips a beat, when Newt pulls him into a hug, his body tingles. He missed the way he felt around Newt. The safety, the joy, the love.

"How is this possible?", Thomas asks, looking the older boy deep into the eyes.

"I don't know, Tommy. I just know, that I missed you." He pauses, "And I love you so much."

Next thing Thomas knows, are Newts lips laying on his own. Both boys try to show their emotions in this kiss. Hope, relief, joy, love, pain, anger and fear. Fear of loosing each other again.

They slowly pull away, happy to be able to touch each other again. "I love you more, Newtie. I love you and that will never change, no matter what happens."

Then, slowly, Newt disappears into the darkness of the night. The sky is no longer colourful, it is pitch black. "Newt!", Thomas cries. "Newt! Where are you?" Newt is nowhere to be seen, he is gone. Thomas breaks down, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"This was real, this was real.", he whispers, like he wanted to convince himself of it.

He can still feel Newts feather like touch on his hand, he can still feel Newts lips moving on his own. The only thing he cannot feel is the safety.

Something white catches Thomas' eye. He slowly grabs the piece of paper, his hands are shaking.

I will never Forget you, Tommy. Don't Forget, that I love you and I will alwys be by your side, even if you can't see me. -Newt

"So he really was here.", Thomas whispers. His eyes widen.

"Thomas! Are you okay? I heard your screams." Minho appears next to Thomas, he Looks concerned.

"Yeah. I'm okay. He will always be here with me."

Minho scrunches up his eyebrows in confusion but he does not ask, what Thomas meant by that because he can see his tear stained cheeks. He pulls Thomas into a hug and pats his back awkwardly.

"It'll be okay. I miss him too.", Minho whsipers.

Thomas decides to keep this as a secret. Now he knows, that Newt will always be there, watching over him and maybe he can finally forgive himself for pulling the trigger.

Thomas saw Newt one last time.


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